Meaning of Commodities (What they are, Concept and Definition)

Commodities is an English word, it is the plural of commodity that means merchandise. This word is used to describe products with low added value.

Commodities they are items of commerce, goods that do not undergo alteration processes (or that are little differentiated), such as fruits, vegetables, cereals and some metals. As they follow a certain pattern, the price of commodities is traded on the International Stock Exchange, and depends on some market circumstances, such as supply and demand.

Often the word commodities can be synonymous with "raw materials" because they are products used in the creation of other goods.

Brazil is a great producer of some commodities such as coffee, oranges, oil, aluminum, iron ore, etc.

At commodities can be divided into four categories:

  • Commodities minerals: oil, gold, iron ore, etc.
  • commoditys financial: real, euro, dollar, etc.
  • commodityenvironmental s: water, wood, energy, etc.
  • Commodities agricultural: soy, wheat, coffee, cotton, rubber, etc.

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