Meaning of Underground (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Underground means underground, in Portuguese, and is used to call a culture that escapes the normal and known standards of society. Underground is an environment with a different culture, which doesn't follow fads and is generally not in the media.

There is also the underground culture or movement, which is formed by a group of people who are not concerned with following commercial standards, and can also be called the underground scene. Underground Culture is related to music, plastic arts, literature and all forms of expression through the arts, mainly through contemporary urban culture. An individual who leaves the movement is said to have "left the undergrond" or "left the underground", and that occurs when they become popular and known to the public, so they are no longer part of that culture.

Underground Music

Some types of music considered underground are: street-punk, punk rock, hardocre punk, gothic, black metal, grunge, indie and others.

Underground Literature

In underground literature, movements such as comics, provos, neoism, aggressive inline, and others are known. All books that are cult are part of underground literature.

Underground Games

There is also the Need for Speed ​​– Underground Game, which is a car racing computer game, where the player chooses the type of car, track, course and much more.

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