Meaning of Copyright (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Copyright it is a Copyright, a literary property, which grants the author of original works exclusive rights to exploit an artistic, literary or scientific work, prohibiting reproduction by any means. It's a form of intellectual law.

Also called Copyright or Copyright, O copyright prevents the copying or exploitation of a work without permission to do so. All original work including music, images, videos, digital documents, photographs, graphic arrangement in a published work, etc., are works that give the owner exclusive rights.

The symbol of copyright © when present in a work, restricts its printing without prior authorization, preventing financial benefits for others other than the author or editor of the work. Often the word copyright is accompanied by the English phrase "all rights reserved", which indicates that that work is protected by law.

The expiration of the copyright varies according to the legislation defined in each country. In Brazil, copyright can last the entire life of the author and another 70 years after his death. After this period, the work becomes public domain.


The notion of "copyleft" (copying allowed) arises from the pun on the English term "copyright" and defends the idea that a work should not have exclusive rights, being able to benefit from the contribution of several people to improve the original creation.

O copyleft constitutes a set of licenses used primarily in the computer industry.

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