Definition of Box nail (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Caixa prego is a popular Brazilian expression that is used to describe a far away place, very far away, either in reality or in a symbolic way.

Some synonyms of this expression are "outside" or "where Judas lost his boots", which also serve to qualify a very distant place.

He didn't follow my directions, so he ended up there in a nail box.

Although not such a usual meaning, for some people box nail also means coffin, in the sense of a funerary urn.

He never cared about his health, and that was the result: box nail.

Nail box - island

Caixa-Prego, or to be correct, Cacha Pregos is a small fishing village located in the municipality of Vera Cruz, on the island of Itaparica, state of Bahia. The beach is located on the opposite side of the island of Itaparica from the city of Salvador. It is possible to reach this small village through the Ponte do Funil (which connects the municipality of Vera Cruz to the municipality of Jaguaripe), or using a ferry boat from Salvador and then following the road from the Bom Despacho maritime terminal. In this village you can find a mangrove swamp that is very valuable from a biological point of view.

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Nail box - Pine trees

Caixa Prego is a company that sells construction materials and is located in Pinhais, PR.

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