Meaning of Book Rosa (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Pink book is an expression used by some modeling agencies to designate a catalog of professionals who provide sexual services in exchange for bonuses.

The pink book can be considered a type of prostitution, as models become available to have sex with their clients in return cash or special prizes such as luxury international travel, jewelry, designer clothes, and so on.

This term gained notoriety throughout Brazil thanks to the soap opera on Rede Globo "Secret Truths" (authored by Walcyr Carrasco), which explores the subject of prostitution in the fashion world.

In general, the pink book is considered a type of high luxury prostitutionas it deals with exclusive models that customers are willing to pay large amounts to have a night of sex.

Many models and famous personalities in Brazil have already assumed that they received pink book proposals, such as Andressa Urach and Fani Pacheco, for example.

Among male models, prostitution is also present. However, the expression used to name the selection of men available to provide sexual services in exchange for money is "blue book".

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