Balela is a word used in the informal vocabulary of the Brazilian Portuguese language as a synonymous with a lie or untruthful information.
A bully is also the name given to a rumor or rumour, that is, when someone says something that doesn't have the certainty of veracity, but still informs other people as if a certain subject were a fact true.
Example: “The story you just told is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard!”
The word balela, as a synonym for “false story”, is used mainly among young people and from some regions of Brazil.
Bullying can be considered a “recent alternative” to the term “fib”, which is also used as a synonym for “small talk” or, as the popular expression says: a “talk to sleep ox”.
Click here and discover the meaning of “talk to sleep ox”.
Among the main synonyms for bullet, the following words stand out: rumor, balloon, lie, rumor, atoarda and galga.
See also the meaning of fib.