Meaning of Multidisciplinary (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Multidiscipliner means bring together various disciplines in pursuit of an ultimate goal.

Multi, is a word of Latin origin (multus), which means multiple, that is, what encompasses many factors. Ex: multicellular (which has many cells), multicolor (which has many colors), multiform (which has many shapes) etc.

subject, in the pedagogical sense, is a particular field of knowledge, which is used for study purposes, as part of a school curriculum.

Multidisciplinary is an education system that encompasses experiences in several disciplines, in search of goals to achieve, within a specific program.

The word multidisciplinary, when used in conjunction with other words, has the same meaning.

For example:

A multidisciplinary team is a group of specialists, in different areas, working as a team, in search of a common goal. Ex: Specialists in the areas of physiotherapy, speech therapy, doctors, nurses, nutritionists, working together for the patient's recovery.

A multidisciplinary project is a teaching or achievement tool, which brings together different areas of knowledge, within a specific subject, where everything is interconnected. E.g.: projects in the area of ​​environmental education, where the care and conservation of fauna, flora, rivers, waste is worked, where means are sought to reduce environmental pollution, etc.

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