When it comes to homework, most students complain, expressing that they don't have the courage to face them after school hours.
The school passes on the task with the objective of creating a way for the student to study the contents, memorize them, master them completely. In addition, it is the intention of the educators that the student does not leave to study all the content on the eve of the test, as it will be much more difficult, the opposite of what happens if you have been studying a little every morning.
What happens is that in adolescence, young people are discovering the world and do not want to waste time with things that are not seen as priorities, they seek fun, pleasure and then what demands the most responsibility.
This can be caused by lack of guidance or lack of motivation to study.
If you haven't learned to have the habit of reviewing subjects every day, at home, it's good to go after it, because facing the entrance exam and being approved requires a lot of dedication and effort. Nothing happens for free, without self-effort. So, the most responsible for good performance in school is yourself.
High grades only appear with study routine
If your school schedule is in the morning, when you get home, have lunch, take a break – even rest, watching television or listening to calmer music, to take a nap of approximately twenty minutes and regain your mood and energy.
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If you study in the afternoon, when you get home, take a shower, have a snack or have dinner and relax. It's best to pick up studies in the morning. So, take advantage of this time to do things you enjoy, such as taking a walk, going to the gym, accessing the internet or chatting with your family and friends.
Establish a daily study routine and make a time for it, according to the classes you have taken. Twenty minutes for each subject is enough to review the content that the teacher gave in class and do some exercises related to them. But stay focused, away from the noise, telephones and people who can get in your way. In the end, if you attended five classes a day, you will have studied for an hour and forty minutes, approximately, which will bring you good results.
It is important not to miss studying for any day, so as not to accumulate the materials and, in case of doubts, take them to the teachers, as they will recognize your effort and help to clarify them.
With this habit, it will be much easier to go through the exam period, since the subjects will be up to date, being able to make a slight review of them, leaving to study more closely the contents that have the greatest difficulty.
By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy
Brazil School Team
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BARROS, Jussara de. "Homework and Study Routine"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/tarefa-casa-rotina-estudo.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.