Elite Teaching Network: the largest basic education network in Brazil

O elite education network, the largest basic education network in Brazil, has as its daily mission “Transforming lives through education”. With a culture focused on the student's focus, the network is made up of a large family, teachers, principals, employees and everyone involved in the school community, which has the role of welcoming. Students have the possibility to enter the school on a scholarship. At registrationsfree for Pocket 2021 of theElite are open and can be done in the following ways: through the website www.educationelite.com.br, through the Relationship Center (0800 031 0306) or at units. This year it will be available in person or online, according to the responsible person's choice. Students of all grades will be able to participate in Bolsão, which includes discounts from 5% to 90% on tuition fees in 2021. All security measures required by public bodies will be taken to carry out the in-person tests. Notice: https://ensinoelite.com.br/estude-no-elite/bolsa-de-estudo/.

From Kindergarten to Entrance Exam, with military preparatory courses and classes focused on biomedical, the elite education network understands that each moment of school life has its particular challenges, and all phases are extremely important for the complete education of the student and for the realization of their dreams. The school is demanding and offers strong teaching, with focus and discipline. Every day, the Network seeks the best resources, human and pedagogical, aiming to offer excellent teaching to its students.

Complete training

Elite understands that transforming lives is inspiring, generating critical thinking, working on socio-emotional skills, educating citizens and also being a great passer in the toughest competitions in the country. There is a real concern with the integral formation of its students. Therefore, it works with the pedagogical pillars: academic excellence, study culture and big dream.

The educational network understands the importance of being present throughout the student's school life and seeks to generate a gradual autonomy of learning, arousing curiosity and a taste for studying in the early grades so that studying becomes a habit and culture in grades finals.

Providing complete learning involves providing tools that help the student to develop their intelligence, as there is no genius, but rather hardworking and dedicated people. Therefore, the Elite Pedagogical Kit has contextualized material, adaptive platform, student portal and educational games (in Kindergarten and Elementary School I). A didactic material that values ​​each subject, the content being segmented and suitable for each class. The adaptive platform understands each student's difficulties and suggests content that helps them fill in the knowledge gaps.

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The Elite has over 1000 approvals in public colleges throughout Brazil, including IME, UFRJ, USP, UFSC, UFMG, UFPR, Unicamp, UEPG and UFF. More than 180 students approved at UERJ. If your dream is to be a doctor? We prepare you! Former student Gabriella Bazzi was 1st overall and 1st in Medicine at Unioeste. We also have future doctors at Unicamp, UFMG, Unirio, UFF and UFRJ. At UFTM, in Physiotherapy, the school also reached first place. The 3rd place overall at USP in the last entrance exam belongs to a former Elite student. For 16 years, across the country, the Elite is the one who approves the most at EsPCEx. With a lot of dedication and effort, our ex-student Thiago Lopes won 1st place in Brazil in the EMI. He also won 4th place overall in the ITA in 2019. We had double dose approvals with the Albertino twins: 1st and 2nd place overall in EPCAr. We understand when it comes to Colégio Naval: for 12 years we have been the leader in passing the Colégio Naval, with 4 among the top 10 places.

Reinvention in the pandemic

The Network remained united and continued to deliver what it does best: bringing quality education. Online tools, interaction, adapted videos, slides, added to the creativity of teachers, were strategies adopted so that the school's mission of transforming lives through education was fulfilled.

“A series of measures were taken so that students had the best possible education, even if not in person. The school hasn't stopped for a second and is working tirelessly. THE academic excellence for us it is fundamental and probably the reason why many of our parents have entrusted us with the education of their children. Teachers, coordinators and directors are at full steam reinventing themselves, researching, learning new technologies, creating activities, selecting exercises, recording content videos or even sending videos with loving messages, since, as we know, the A relationship of trust and connection between teachers and their students is one of the most precious assets”, stresses Deborah Anastacio, Principal Elite Pedagogical.

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