Meaning of Social Participation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Social participation is a concept that symbolizes the influence of individuals in the organization of a society.

The concept of social participation is studied in sociology as a principle of integration of individuals in the various organizational nuclei of society that discuss issues that are pertinent to the environment Social.

Social participation is essential for building a process of change in favor of all groups that make up life in society.

With the correct distribution of social participation, the classes considered less favored, either socially or economically, they have opportunities to express their opinion and participate in social decisions. important.

In this context, social participation becomes a primordial instrument for the functioning of a Democratic State.

Social participation and volunteer work

Social participation can also be understood as all the involvement of an individual in actions of socio-community life. Active or passive involvement in school events and meetings, sports clubs, neighborhood associations, among others, are examples of how a person can participate socially.

Among the actions that help improve the functioning of life in society, is the volunteer work.

Voluntary work is that which does not have a remuneration for the services provided by the individual, being made of their own free will for the purpose of helping an institution, organization or work philanthropic.

Volunteer work is normally intended for social causes or community movements.

Social participation in Brazil

In Brazil, President Dilma Rousseff issued the decree of law nº 8243, of May 2014, instituting the program of National Policy on Social Participation (PNPS) and the National System of Social Participation (SNPS).

The purpose of the decree is to create proximity and sharing with civil society on program and policy decisions.

See also the meanings of Citizenship and Democracy.

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