Portuguese Language (19)

meaning of pro

Pro is in Portuguese the contraction of the preposition “para” and the masculine definite article “o”. However, it can also be interpreted as a prefix to be used in different contexts...

meaning of neighbor

Neighbor is that or that which is very close, to the side. The noun neighbor is more commonly associated with the resident in the same surroundings, whether in the house or apartment next door, or on the same street, building...

meaning of need

Need is a verb that means to feel the need for something or someone, and it also has the sense of obligation. As in the phrase "she will need help to finish this", which means that the person...

meaning of early

Early is an adverb of time and means that which occurs before or which has a short duration. Waking up early, for example, is getting out of bed in the early morning hours. As in the proverb "God helps...

Meaning of Incipient

Insipient means one who does not know, as opposed to knowing. It also means one who is unreasonable and reckless. The word insipient, in its etymology, comes from the Latin "sapere", which...

Definition of Incipient

Incipient is an adjective that qualifies something or something that is at the beginning of a process, that is, that is of an initial nature. This term is often used to identify the initial stage...

expression meaning Sometimes

Sometimes I mean every now and then, it's an expression you use when you're not sure how often something happens. As in the phrase "it's good to go to the beach sometimes to see the sunset". In other words, it's not...

Meaning of Express

Expressing is a verb that corresponds to the action of exposing something, whether through words or attitudes. Expressing is declaring something, giving an opinion or conveying what you think about something. And in...

Meaning of Proceed

Proceed means the action of what follows, which continues, but it can also indicate a behavior, a way of acting, or the origin. By giving instructions on how to do something, one person can indicate to another...

meaning of proud

Proud is one who has or causes pride. It is also the overt manifestation of the feeling of pride. The term proud can be positive or negative, depending on the context to which it is applied...

meaning of in vain

In vain means uselessly, in vain. By saying that something is useless, the subject indicates that it is unnecessary, useless, that it is useless and will be wasted. It can be associated with that...

Definition of Peaceful

Pacato is an adjective in the Portuguese language, used to describe something or someone who appears patience, tranquility, inertia and peace. This term can be used to identify a characteristic...

Meaning of Interconnected

Interconnected means that or that thing that is related to each other. It is an adjective and corresponds to what was connected between two or more parts. It can be replaced, as a synonym, by integrated,...

meaning of need

Precise is what is needed and what is exact. When used as an inflection of the verb need, it means what is indispensable. When someone says "I need", whether from someone or from...

Definition of Inert

Inert is characteristic of that or of someone who has no movement. Inert comes from inertia, and the adjective corresponds to the fact of having or causing inertia, that is, the state of rest or lack of...

Portuguese language (33)

What is news?News is any type of information that presents a new and recent event or that spreads...

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Portuguese language (34)

meaning of sarcasmSarcasm is a figure of speech used to affront or offend someone, or a group. In...

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Popular Meanings (32)

meaning of coxinhaCoxinha is a pejorative term used in slang and is used to describe a person who...

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