Latest Meanings (21)

ABNT Standards for Academic Work

The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT, among other attributions, is responsible for standardizing the formatting of technical documents, aiming to facilitate their understanding and access to...

Abbreviations in citations according to ABNT standards

When it comes to CBT, one of the subjects that most demands attention from students is, certainly, citations. Among the ABNT standards for academic works, the 10520/2002 standard is one of the most extensive. In it...

ABNT Margins

According to ABNT standards, the margins of academic papers, whether TCCs, monographs or theses, they should have the following measurements: Left: 3 cm Top: 3 cm Right: 2 cm Bottom: 2 cm How put on...

Size of sheets of paper

The different sheet sizes of the A series follow the international standard ISO 216 and are used in most parts of the world, including Brazil. Let's see what the A series paper sizes are in four...

Human values: what they are, definition and examples

Human values ​​are the moral and ethical principles that guide a person's life. They are part of the formation of conscience and the way to act and relate in a society. The values...

Dissertation: what is it, types and examples of dissertation texts

The dissertation, also called a dissertation text, consists of a text in prose structured in order to express the point of view or opinion of the person who writes it. For the success of a dissertation, it is...

Shoe Sizes: Shoe Size Conversion Tables

There is a wide variety of shoe sizes, according to the size of the person's foot. The number for each size usually changes by country or region. To avoid confusion, the...

Meaning of Report

Lauda is the name given to one side of a sheet of paper, whether it is a notebook, book or other type of text that follows a pattern. The page is the set of settings that guarantee the standard of...

Definition of A4 Size

A4 size is the setting for the measurement of a sheet of paper that is commonly used in official and academic documents. In centimeters, the dimension of A4 paper is 21cm X 29.7cm. The size of the A4 paper...

12 examples of metaphors and their meanings

A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or quality in a non-literal way, and helps explain a general idea about something or someone. 1. Her tears were a flowing river...

32 examples of human values

Human values ​​are the principles that guide people's actions and behavior. These values ​​are culturally constructed. They serve as a basis for human development through relationships...

Examples of moral values

Moral values ​​are principles that guide the conduct of people in society. Moral values ​​are about good versus evil, or right versus wrong. So we say that...

meaning of visual arts

Visual arts is the designation given to the set of arts that represent the real or imaginary world and that have vision as the main form of assessment and apprehension. A visual art is related to...

The 11 types of art

Art is the way to communicate and aesthetically represent an artist's vision, feeling or opinion. This communication is carried out through a language, such as dance, photography, among others...

Definition of FGTS

FGTS is the acronym for Guarantee Fund for Employees. It is a monthly deposit, referring to a percentage of 8% of the employee's salary, which the employer is required to deposit in a bank account at...

Popular Meanings (171)

Definition of NeocolonialismNeocolonialism represents the political, economic, cultural and socia...

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Popular Meanings (170)

meaning of uaiUai is an interjection used particularly in the state of Minas Gerais with the mean...

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Latest Meanings (169)

Significance of Potential EnergyPotential energy is the energy that is "stored" in a given body a...

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