Allowance represents a benefit intended for a person or entity that has acquired rights over it. Most of the time this benefit is given in monetary form. However, it can also be...
PIS is the acronym for Social Integration Program, a tax contribution of a social nature, which aims to finance the payment of unemployment insurance, allowance and participation in the income From...
RIC is an acronym that refers to the Single Registry of Civil Identity. A registration number that would replace all other documents that currently exist in a single database. The RIC was aimed at...
PIS and PASEP are programs that promote the integration of workers in the development of companies or public bodies. These are social contributions paid by private and public companies with the...
Candomblé is an Afro-Brazilian religion in which the cult of deities of African origin called orixás is practiced. Thus, despite being born in Bahia, in the 19th century, Candomblé was formed from...
Living beings are organisms that have a set of existing elements in their composition, which do not exist in raw, lifeless matter. To be considered living beings, these organisms...
The Christian Easter is one of the most important festivities for Christianity, as it represents the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. The date is celebrated annually on the first Sunday after...
Easter is an important celebration of the Christian church in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Passover originates from the Latin word Pascha, which derives from the Hebrew Pesach / Pesach, which means “...
Ash Wednesday represents the first day of Lent in the Gregorian calendar. also be called the Day of Ashes and is a date celebrated by some elements of the community Christian. THE...
The rainbow is composed of 7 colors, which are presented in this order, from the outside to the inside: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (or indigo) and violet. The psychology of colors, a study of...
Holy Week is a sacred time for Christians. It commemorates the mysteries of salvation based on the remembrance of the last week of the life of Jesus Christ. Holy Week starts on Sunday...
The Easter Symbols are representations that are part of the Holy Week rituals. Easter is an important festival for Christians as it celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, a...
Regime PJ (Legal Person) and CLT contract (Consolidation of Labor Laws) are forms that define the employment relationship when companies are going to hire workers. In the CLT are all the laws...
Game is a term from the Latin “jocus” that means joke, play, fun. The game concept consists of a physical or intellectual activity formed by a set of rules and defines a...
Human virtues are standard moral qualities of human beings, related to the construction of each individual's personality. List of human virtues The types of human virtues differ according to...