Popular Meanings (24)

Definition of Nationality

Nationality is the condition of a citizen who belongs to a particular nation with which he identifies. It is the quality of what is national, which is proper to the nation, the homeland. One of the synonyms for...

Definition of Hostile

Hostile is an adjective of two genders that qualifies the attitude of a person who is opposed, who opposes and who usually disapproves. A hostile person usually collects enmities because he acts rudely,...

Meaning of Word

A word is a term, a word, an expression. It is a verbal or written manifestation formed by a group of phonemes with a meaning. From the Latin parable. Word is a set of articulated sounds...

Definition of Behaviorism

Behaviorism, also known as behaviorism, is an area of ​​psychology, which has behavior as its object of study. Behaviorism emerged as opposition to functionalism and structuralism, and it is...

Meaning of Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is when a company voluntarily contributes to society and the environment to which it belongs, providing a better quality of life for its environment. The concept of...

Definition of Idem

Idem is a word with Latin origin and means "the same", "equal" or "in the same way". The term is normally used in bibliographic citations, to avoid the repetition of the author's name...

Legend meaning

Legend is a narrative transmitted orally by people, aiming to explain events mysterious or supernatural, mixing real facts, with imaginary or fanciful ones, and that will become modifying...

meaning of dance

Dance is the art of expressively moving the body following rhythmic movements, generally to the sound of music. Primitive people started the art of dancing and practiced it on different occasions: in the period of...

meaning of catharsis

Catharsis is a term of philosophical origin with the meaning of personal cleansing or purification. The term comes from the Greek “katharsis” and is used to designate the state of psychic liberation that the...

Meaning of the Color Green

The green color means hope, freedom, health and vitality. Green symbolizes nature, money and youth. It's color of living nature. It is associated with growth, renewal and fullness...

Definition of Damaged

The term "darn" means angry, cursed, smart or extraordinary. Depending on the context, it can have different meanings. The word naughty comes from the Latin damnatus, a word that describes a...


Impeachment is a word of English origin that means "impeachment" or "impeachment", used as a model of prosecution brought against high government officials accused of infringing the your...

Meaning of Meritocracy

Meritocracy is a system or model of ranking and rewarding based on the personal merits of each individual. The etymological origin of the word meritocracy comes from the Latin meritum, which means...

Understand what cultural diversity is

Cultural diversity are the various aspects that particularly represent different cultures, such as language, traditions, cuisine, religion, customs, the model of organization...

meaning of praxis

Praxis is a word originating from the Greek term praxis which means conduct or action. It corresponds to a practical activity as opposed to theory. This term is covered by several fields of...

Art and Culture (4)

Definition of WaltzThe waltz is a classical musical genre, which also unfolds into a classical da...

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Art and Culture (6)

Meaning of Secondary ColorsSecondary colors are colors formed by combining two primary colors. Th...

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Expressions in Latin (5)

Definition of Quo vadisQuo vadis is a Latin expression meaning “Where are you going? ” in Latin. ...

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