Streamer is a feminine noun that means little flame or pennant, one little flag in triangle shape.
Within the scope of navy, a pennant is a long, narrow flag that can be hoisted on the pole. Streamers on warships often have national colors, which means that the ship is commanded by an officer. When a small ship carries the bow pennant, it usually carries an officer. In the specific case of the Brazilian Navy, the command banner has 21 stars and means that the ship is commanded by a Navy officer.
Pennant can also be the symbol or insignia of a sports organization (for example, a football team) or a military organization.
The pennant can also be hung from a musical instrument such as a trumpet. THE triumphant trumpet streamer it is used in ceremonial circumstances, in which case the pennant has specific symbols related to the ceremony in question.
At the Brazilian National Anthem the word streamer is used as a synonym for flag: And tell the golden green of this streamer - Peace in the future and glory in the past.
In English the word streamer can be translated as pennant or pennon. Ex: They were very scared when they saw the pennant/pennon on the pirate ship - They were very scared when they saw the pennant on the pirate ship.