Meaning of Segregation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

segregation it's the act of segregating, in put aside, in break apart, isolate or depart.

Segregation is the process of dissociation whereby individuals and groups lose physical and social contact with other individuals and groups. This separation or social and physical distance comes from biological and social factors, such as race, wealth, education, religion, profession, nationality, etc.

Racial segregation

Racial segregation is a policy that aims to separate and/or isolate racial minorities or a specific ethnic group within a society. In racial segregation, individuals are restricted to a delimited region, or social communication barriers are created. In racial segregation, people are prevented from enjoying their rights within society.

One of the greatest examples of racial segregation was Apartheid, which took place in South Africa, where the blacks were discriminated against and laws were created not to attend the same environments as the whites. After centuries, under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, the fight against apartheid was victorious.

Another famous example of racial segregation happened in the United States, with laws and acts declaration of racism, in which Afro-descendants were discriminated against, not having the same rights as other people. In transport, for example, black people had to sit in the back of the bus.

Spatial and Urban Segregation

Spatial and urban segregation is when social classes are concentrated in certain regions or neighborhoods of a city. This segregation occurs in places where there is a big difference in income between the groups, some have all the conditions for housing and services, and others do not have anything similar.

There are criticisms of many governments due to segregation, as they generally prioritize investments and improvements in areas where the population with higher income is concentrated, thus increasing segregation, and ignoring the poorest parts of the city. Gated communities are a great example of urban segregation, as people seek security and tranquility, doing with them going to certain areas of the city, and building walls to protect the dangerous areas, further increasing the segregation.

Segregation in Biology

In biology, segregation is in the area of ​​genetics, as it is called the separation of the chromosomes from the father and the mother. Segregation brings together the hereditary units, which are transmitted to the children, made up of DNA. Biology then created the law of segregation, which says that each child's character is conditioned by his parents' genes.

Segregation in Geology

In geology, segregation refers to a small part of magma that has become different from the others during the cooling process, and is characterized by an accumulation of different elements of the rock.

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