Meaning of Dream (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Oneiric is a masculine adjective in the Portuguese language and is related or refers to dreams, fantasies and what does not belong to the so-called "real world".

The word has its etymological origin from the greek onios, which literally means "dream".

The so-called dream daydreams happen when the individual is in a state of unconsciousness, either for mechanical reasons (drunk, drugged or with hallucinations arising from a pathological state) or natural, such as during sleep or extreme physical fatigue and/or mental.

It is said that a person lives in a dream world, when he appears to be "disconnected" from "reality", characterizing himself as an imaginative and/or creative individual.

Synonyms for oneiric

  • sonial
  • dreamer
  • imaginative
  • creative

dream thought

O dream thought is an expression used in Freud's manifestos and studies on dreams.

Freud says that dream thinking is similar to waking thought (when we are awake), but with the difference that they are under the command of our unconscious. In other words, dreams would be random "thoughts" of the human subconscious.

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