Meaning of Feeling (What it is, Concept and Definition)

feeling is an English word that in Portuguese means feeling and tries to describe the physical sensation of touching, the felt sensation of heat, in cuddling in partnership and complicity.

The word feeling can also mean feeling. It's quite common to hear people talking about having a feeling that something could go wrong, or with a feeling that a good thing is to come. Ex: I've got a feeling that this year is going to be a good one for me. / I have a feeling this year is going to be a good year for me.

In English there are many expressions that derive from feeling, like "feeling good", which is feeling good, "feeling sorry", which is feeling sorry for something or someone, or just having feelings, she has feelings or romantic interest in someone. Ex: We have been friends for 10 years but I never told her I have feelings for her. / We've been friends for 10 years, but I never told her I have feelings for her.

feeling, feelings, are known to be a state of consciousness, resulting from feelings, emotions or desires. Instinctive feelings, such as intuition, are responsible for the way the individual behaves in situations where he seeks, for example help, which may not have the other party's retribution, for example, it proposes to help a blind person to cross a very street. busy.

Among Buddhists this concept of feelings, heat, sensations is called Vedana, when the sense organs come into contact with external sense objects and make the association with the consciousness.

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