Meaning of Mor (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Mor is an adjective in the Portuguese language, considered to short form of "major" and widely used in compound words: cause-mor, captain-mor and so on.

When a certain word is followed by "mor", this I attributed a sense of grandeur to the term.. For example, saying that an individual is the Captain General means that he is the highest authority among all the other captains.

Even though the spelling is written without an accent, the correct pronunciation of this adjective in the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil is “mor”, with open intonation in the letter “o”.

The main guard is another example of the application of this adjective. This is considered an official title of the chief of the port police, that is, the representative of the ship's tax authorities.

The word “mor” can also be used as a noun, acquiring the syncopated form of “love”.

In this case, however, the correct pronunciation in the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil would be “more” (with the vowel “o” closed).

In informal communication, mor (as a short for "love") is often used as a vocative.

Example: "Mor, come eat” or “I need help, mor!”.

Learn more about the meaning of love.

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