Meaning of Patron (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Patron is personality who is chosen to be the patroness or godfather of a graduating class, which is typically honored during a graduation ceremony.

As a general definition, the patron is something or someone who defend some cause or point of view. In the religious sphere, for example, the patron can be considered a patron, that is, a saint who is known for defending a certain group of people or a specific situation.

The patron is the one who defends, advises and directs. In the military, patrons are heroic figures who are chosen to defend a military unit, for example.

However, the most used attribution of the term patron is related to the act of granting the academic degree. In the ceremonies of graduation, as part of a tradition, the graduating students must elect a prominent personality in the scientific field to which they belong as "godfather of the class".

Learn more about the meaning of graduation.

The title of patron of the class is an honor for the professional who receives it, as it means that his work and studies are recognized and admired by the new generation of professionals who are graduating.

If the honoree in the class is female, the correct term is patroness.

patron and paraninfo

As well as the patron of the class, the paraninfo is a title of honor awarded to a distinguished professor or professional within the academic field of students graduating from a higher education course.

The paraninfo, as well as the patron, is chosen by the class, being considered the "godfather" of the graduates. As a rule, in addition to the scientific and academic significance that it has, the paraninfo is an individual who awakens charisma and sympathy among the members of the class.

Learn more about the meaning of Paraninfo.

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