Meaning of Mezzanine (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Mezzanine it is a floor located between the ground floor and the first floor of a building, in which access is via a staircase located on the ground floor or by elevator. It is an area often used as a ballroom, games, etc.

Mezzanine is a word adapted from the Italian “mezzanino”. Sometimes it is also used in its French version, that is, “mezzanine”.

In residential houses, a mezzanine is a balcony built inside, usually in the living room, without covering the entire area, connected to an access staircase. It is very common to build mezzanines in cottages or wooden houses.

The use of mezzanines in residences seeks to leave the environment with an air of modernity and sophistication. The structure can be made of concrete, wood or iron. Residences that add a mezzanine in their layout, in addition to enlarging its useful area, they bring new environments for the construction, which can be used as a bedroom, TV room, reading room, etc.

Mezzanines are also built in shops, bars and restaurants, which generally have high ceilings, that is, where the height between the floor and the ceiling is an average of 2.70 meters.

Mezzanine is also the name of the first balcony located above the audience in the theaters.

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