Popular Meanings (52)

Definition of Sanction

Sanction is a term with two different meanings, which can mean both the punishment for violating a law (penalty), as well as the act of approving something in formal ways. The word sanction if...

Definition of Professor

Teacher means the person who teaches, the teacher, whether in universities, colleges, technical courses, etc. Teacher is a term related to teaching, it is the individual who teaches others, regardless of the topic...

Definition of PIS

PIS is the acronym for Social Integration Program, a tax contribution of a social nature, which aims to finance the payment of unemployment insurance, allowance and participation in the income From...

Definition of Budget

Budget (pronounced badget ) is an English term that means budget. It is often used in business to designate the periodic (usually annual) budget made by a...

Meaning of E=mc²

E=mc 2 is an equation of modern physics used as part of the Theory or Principle of Relativity, developed by the German physicist Albert Einstein. The famous equation determines the relationship of...

Definition of Cocota

Cocota is a slang term for a beautiful woman, who draws attention wherever she goes, but looks like a girl. Cocota was a widely used slang in the 70's, and nowadays it is also used in...

meaning of theology

Theology is the study of the existence of God, of questions concerning the knowledge of the divinity, as well as of his relationship with the world and with men. From the Greek “theos” (god, a term used in the world...

Definition of Fitness

Fitness is a word of English origin and means "to be in good physical shape". The term is usually associated with the practice of physical activity and refers to good physical conditioning or well-being...

Meaning of Emancipated

Emancipated means free, independent. It is what has been released from certain submission, sovereignty and intolerance. Emancipated is one who has acquired emancipation and is responsible for their own...

meaning of judaism

Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people and the oldest monotheistic religious tradition. There are 14 million Jews worldwide, and most of them currently reside in the United States. Tradition counts...

Definition of Acid Rain

Acid rain is an atmospheric phenomenon caused on a local or regional scale, by the precipitation of rain loaded with large amounts of acids, resulting from the release of pollutants produced by...

Definition of Molecule

A molecule is a group of atoms, the same or different, that stick together and cannot be separated without affecting or destroying the properties of substances. There is an old concept that the...

Definition of Shango

Xangô is an entity (Orixá) widely worshiped by Afro-Brazilian religions, being considered god of justice, lightning, thunder and fire, as well as being known as the protector of intellectuals...

Definition of Outlet

Outlet is the name for a retail sales market, in which producers and industries sell their products directly to the public, and generally at a lower price than what is offered in the Shops...

Meaning of Pareto Diagram

Pareto Diagram is a graphical resource used to establish an ordering of the causes of losses that must be remedied. This scheme was created by an Italian economist and sociologist, Vilfredo Pareto,...

Politics and Citizenship (4)

Definition of TransgenderTransgender (trans) is the individual who does not identify with the gen...

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Politics and Citizenship (8)

Definition of Issuing AgencyIssuing or issuing agency is the public agency responsible for issuin...

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Politics and Citizenship (3)

5 Main causes of social inequalitySocial inequality is the imbalance in living conditions among t...

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