Popular Meanings (51)

meaning of communist

Communist is a two-gender adjective that indicates something belonging to communism. It can also be a noun, referring to a person with communist tendencies or who belongs to a party...

Meaning of Contribution

Contribution means subsidy, contribution. It is a term widely used in business. Contribution is mostly used as a financial contribution, money or help used for a certain purpose...

Vocation meaning

Vocation is a term derived from the Latin verb “vocare” which means “to call”. It is an inclination, a tendency or skill that leads the individual to pursue a certain career or...

meaning of nerd

Nerd means a person very dedicated to studies, who carries out intellectual activities that are often inadequate for his age. The nerd often forgets about pleasurable social activities, such as participating...

Definition of global warming

Global warming is the phenomenon of an increase in the average air temperature near the Earth's surface caused by the accumulation, in large amounts, of polluting gases in the atmosphere. This accumulation entails a...

Definition of Bipolarity

Bipolarity is the term used to refer to a person who presents a behavior with opposite characteristics in which moments of euphoria alternate with moments of depression. Bipolarity is a...

Definition of Doping

Doping is the use of drugs or specific methods aimed at increasing an athlete's performance during competition. The word "doping" is of English origin, used in turf, it means injection...

Relationship meaning

Relationship means the affective, professional or friendship bond between people who unite with the same goals and interests. Every type of relationship involves coexistence, communication and...

competitive games

Competitive Games are those where there are winners and losers. Its main purpose is to encourage fair competition among participants and learn to deal with wins and losses. Is important...

meaning of armed peace

Armada Paz was the expression used to describe a period in the political history of Europe, which preceded the First World War, where there was an intense arms race, when the bloc of Triple...

meaning of visual arts

Visual arts is the designation given to the set of arts that represent the real or imaginary world and that have vision as the main form of assessment and apprehension. A visual art is related to...

meaning of piriguete

Piriguete is a slang term in Portuguese, considered as a pejorative term, used to describe a provocative woman who shows interest in other people, even if one of the parties is in a...

Meaning of Advent

Advent is a masculine noun with Latin etymology, in the term adventum, which means coming or arrival. The word advent can also mean foundation or creation of something (for example:...

Definition of Bazinga

Bazinga is an expression popularized by Sheldon Cooper and usually used at the end of a joke or joke, and it means "I caught you" or "I deceived you". It can also be used after verbally attacking...

Definition of Androgen

Androgen (or androgen) is a hormone that gives rise to the development of male characteristics, the best known being testosterone. Testosterone is a sex hormone...

Portuguese language (2)

38 Figures of SpeechSpeech figures are language features that make language more expressive. Used...

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Portuguese Language (10)

Meaning of CounterpartCounterpart is the term used to refer to what is given in exchange for some...

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Philosophy and Sociology (5)

Definition of RelativismRelativism is a current of thought that questions the universal truths of...

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