Latest Meanings (340)

Definition of Waist Game

Flexibility means having the flexibility to face something, getting out of difficulties, and it is a colloquial expression. Being flexible is being flexible to adapt to different situations,...

Definition of Lowland Soccer

Lowland football is football played in an amateur way, without much organization. Várzea is a slang term for something informal, often low level, without much structure or support, either in relation to...

Definition of Ubatuba

Ubatuba means place of canoes, or reeds, and is a term in Tupi, an indigenous language. Ubatuba came up with the Indians, since uba means canoe, which is the name of a species of cane, and tuba...

meaning of ohms

Ohms, represented by the Greek letter omega, and is an electrical resistance, a unit of measurement recognized by the SI (International System of Units). Ohms are the relationship between the voltage of one volt and...

meaning of web

Web is an English word that means web or network. The meaning of the web took on another meaning with the appearance of the internet. The web came to designate the network that connects computers all over the world, the World...

Definition of UK

UK is the English acronym for United Kingdom which in Portuguese means United Kingdom. United Kingdom is an abbreviation of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland whose meaning in Portuguese is...

meaning of website

Website is a word that results from the juxtaposition of the English words web (network) and site (site, place). In the context of electronic communications, website and website have the same meaning and are...

Definition of Ora Bolas

Ora bolas is a slang and it means the same as pray for. Now balls is an affirmation for what is being said, or to confirm what the other person who is listening is not understanding. Well, it's...

Definition of blotter

Blotting paper is a glue-free paper that is intended to absorb fresh ink. Blotting paper is a term widely used in southern Brazil, especially in Rio Grande do Sul. The name blotter comes from...

Definition of NEP

NEP stands for New Economic Policy and was the economic policy followed in the Soviet Union after the end of communism in the 1921 war and with Stalin's rise to power in 1928. NEP was...

Definition of Unesco

UNESCO is the acronym for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It was founded shortly after the end of World War II, with the aim of contributing to peace and security in the...

Definition of Gigabyte

Gigabyte is a unit of measurement of information that is equivalent to 1 000 000 000 bytes or 109 bytes and depending on the context, it can represent 230 = 1 073 741 824 bytes or 1024 megabytes (Mb). It was recently...

Definition of World Wide Web

World Wide Web in Portuguese means worldwide network, also known as Web or WWW. World Wide Web is a system of hypermedia documents that are interconnected and executed on the Internet. You...

Definition of Galalau

Galalau means a very tall man, and is an expression from the Northeast of Brazil. Generally, for a man to be considered a galalau, he is above 1.80m or 1.85m. There is also another sense for...

Definition of Jabiraca

Jabiraca means an ugly woman; an old woman. Jabiraca is a popular slang used in southern Brazil, which is also synonymous with rupitious. Jabiraca is also the type of woman...

Latest Meanings (120)

Definition of Criminal AgeCriminal adulthood is the minimum age at which a person can be criminal...

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Popular Meanings (123)

Definition of AutomationAutomation is a system that employs automatic processes that command and ...

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Latest Meanings (123)

Definition of GraphiteGraffiti or graffiti is a word of Italian origin “graffito” which means “wr...

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