Popular Meanings (340)

Digital Entrepreneurship

Digital entrepreneurship is the initiative to create an internet business. Unlike offline businesses, in digital entrepreneurship, relationships, whether with partners or customers, are made...


Biometrics is any measure related to human characteristics, whether physical or behavioral. Technologies based on biometrics are used by companies or state agencies to...

The meaning of Brazil Flag Day (November 19)

Brazil Flag Day is celebrated on November 19, but it is not a national holiday. The Flag Day of Brazil is celebrated this day, because after Emperor D. Peter I declare the...

What is cultural industry and examples

Cultural industry is the name given to the production and distribution of cultural items with a view to making a profit. It is a concept that refers to the serial production of cultural goods, as it happens...

Active methodology: what it is and examples

Active methodology is a teaching-learning process that aims to break with the traditional perspective, in which students have a passive behavior towards content and knowledge. In these...

What is Affective Abandonment?

Affective abandonment is when there is an omission of emotional and psychological care, educational neglect and moral omission suffered by children or adolescents by parents or guardians. Different than...

Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is an initiative that aims to positively impact a particular group or society as a whole. A social enterprise can be aimed at combating inequality or...

Meaning of nominal complement

Noun complement is the term that relates to nouns, adjectives and adverbs, forming a meaning with these names. The nominal complement fulfills the function of completing or changing the meaning of a...

Cancellation Culture

Cancellation culture is a social media phenomenon that aims to boycott and ban people, events or brands that assume behaviors considered incorrect or that hurt the values ​​of a group of people...

RAM memory

RAM is a temporary storage space on your PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet or game console. It is used to store data that is currently being processed by your machine...

Types of reproduction: asexual and sexual

The reproduction of living beings is a biological process through which organisms generate offspring, which is vitally important to perpetuate species. Two types of...

Birds of prey

Bird of prey is the name given to hundreds of species of carnivorous birds, such as hawks, eagles and falcons. These birds are known to kidnap their prey, which explains their name...


PIS and PASEP are programs that promote the integration of workers in the development of companies or public bodies. These are social contributions paid by private and public companies with the...

meaning of trust

Confidence is a personality trait and can be understood as believing, being secure or being sure about something or someone. Trust, then, would be the hypothesis we formulate about the...

What is sport?

Sport is any competitive physical activity with well-defined rules and goals. Sports can be practiced individually or collectively, professionally, recreationally or for improvement...

Latest Meanings (28)

Berlin WallThe Berlin Wall was a concrete wall that began to be built in the city of Berlin and t...

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Expressions in English (20)

Definition of Room ServiceRoom Service is an English expression that means “room service”, in the...

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Expressions in English (21)

Definition of KitKit is an English word that means a set of objects or materials put together for...

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