Popular Meanings (341)

protection click fraud
Understand the difference between cisgender and transgender

Cisgender (or simply cis) is the term used to designate individuals who identify with the gender (male or female) assigned to them at birth. Already transgender (or simply...

What is Social Democracy

Social-Democracy is a political current that advocates the fight against social inequalities, without giving up democratic institutions and without breaking with capitalism. Thus, Social Democracy moves away...

What is Inbound Marketing and how it works

Inbound Marketing is a set of strategies that uses the production of relevant content on a given subject, to attract a company's target audience. The goal is that in the future this...

Understand the referential function through examples

The referential function of language, also called denotative, is the one that privileges information. In a message characterized by the referential function, the sender intends to transmit to his...

omniscient narrator

The omniscient narrator is a type of narrator who has all the information about the story being told. The narrative is always presented in the 3rd person. In some cases, the omniscient narrator...

instagram story viewer


Popular Meanings (119)

meaning of urbanUrbano comes from the Latin “urbanus” which means “belonging to the city”. Urban ...

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Latest Meanings (118)

Definition of Scientific AdministrationIt is a scientific method created with the aim of increasi...

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Popular Meanings (122)

7 Characteristics of SocialismSocialism is a political and economic system whose main foundation ...

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