Definition of Free Trade Zone (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Free Zone is delimited area where domestic or foreign goods benefiting from tax breaks and with reduced or absent customs tariffs. These regions are isolated and are usually situated in or around a port.

The purpose of a free zone is stimulate trade and accelerate industrial development of a particular region. Brazil, South Korea, Chile, China, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Portugal and France are some of the countries that have a Free Trade Zone.

Manaus Free Zone

Until the mid-1960s, Manaus, capital of the state of Amazonas, was little industrialized. To stimulate its industrialization, the federal government created the Suframa (Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone). The Manaus Free Trade Zone covers the states of Acre, Amazonas, Rondônia and Roraima and the cities of Macapá and Santana, in Amapá.

The Manaus Free Trade Zone was created in 1967 and supervised by Suframa, it attracted many industries to that Amazon region, especially in the advanced electronics sector, which benefited from the ease of importing equipment parts and components electronics. Several national and foreign companies installed themselves in the Industrial District of Manaus, planned and prepared for this purpose.

Some of the companies present in the Manaus Free Trade Zone are: Nokia, Samsumg, Petrobras, Electrolux, Pioneer, Siemens, Honda, Yamaha, etc.

Free Green Zone

The Government has a program called Zona Franca Verde, which aims to promote sustainable development in the state of Amazonas, based on production systems ecologically healthy, fair and economically viable forestry, fisheries and agriculture, all combined with environmental protection and sustainable management of protected areas and indigenous lands

The main objective of the Zona Franca Verde is to improve the population's quality of life, generate employment and income, and promote nature conservation.

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