The Armed Forces, under the terms of article 142 of the Federal Constitution, are formed by the Navy, Army and Air Force, which must organize themselves based on hierarchy and discipline.
In this sense, the same article states that the hierarchical organization of these institutions should be established in a Complementary Law, making it clear that the maximum authority of each one of them is the President of the Republic.
Thus, complementing the Constitution, the Statute of the Military (Law No. 6.880/80) provides a detailed description of the military hierarchy in Brazil, illustrated below:
In all the Armed Forces, the rank of patents follows well-defined seniority criteria in the Statute of the Military. In addition, it is worth mentioning that article 16, paragraph 2 of the law provides that the maximum posts (Admiral, Marshal and Marshal-do-Ar) will only be provided in time of war.
Police and Military Fire Brigades
In addition to the Armed Forces, Article 42 of the Constitution provides for the existence of police and military fire brigades at the state level, which are also based on hierarchy and discipline. Structurally, the two institutions are organized in the same way and with the same positions.
Since the agencies are statewide, the color of the badges may vary by state.