Meaning of Anteater Hug (What it is, Concept and Definition)

The idiomatic expression “embrace of anteater” is used to refer to the hug or greeting from a fake person, that is, that wishes harm to the person who greeted.

This expression arose from the observation of an attack and defense tactic of the giant anteater, a very common mammal species in the Brazilian cerrado region.

The anteater is naturally a gangly animal, with very little sight and hearing, however, when it feels threatened, it uses its huge claws to defend itself.

The animal stands up on its hind legs and opens its arms showing its claws, as if to give a "hug". In reality, this is a “deadly hug”, as the anteater's claws are very strong, capable of killing even a jaguar.

From this position, the expression “anteater hug” began to be used to define the hug that someone receives from a person who does not sympathize or is false.

For example, when two people are in the same environment, but one of them hates the other and even so goes to greet and hug him, it is said that this one gave him an “anteater hug”.

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