Popular Meanings (37)

Definition of Osmosis

Osmosis is the process of moving water between different types of concentration of substances that can be dissolved. Osmosis involves physics and chemistry and is essential for the survival of...

Definition of Optimistic

Optimistic is a dual-gender adjective and noun, meaning that person who is confident, hopeful, and positive. It is the individual who is in favor of optimism, and optimism is the disposition...

Definition of Oligarchy

Oligarchy is a term that originates from the Greek word "oligarkhía" whose literal meaning is " government of the few” and which designates a political system in which power is concentrated in a little...

meaning of immigrant

An immigrant is someone who immigrates, that is, someone who enters a foreign country with the purpose of living or working. The immigrant is seen from the perspective of the country that welcomes him, he is the individual who came...

meaning of voyeur

Voyeur is the masculine noun of French origin that describes a person who derives pleasure from observing other people's sexual acts or intimate practices. For many people, voyeurism (or...

meaning of subjective

Subjective is everything that is proper to the subject or relative to him. It is what belongs to the domain of your consciousness. It's something that is based on your individual interpretation, but it may not be valid...

meaning of 171

171 is a code that makes reference to article nº 171 of the Brazilian Penal Code, referring to the act of embezzlement, that is, deceiving other people to get one's own benefits. Due to the content...

Definition of Offshore

Offshore is an English term that means “away from the coast”, in Portuguese translation. In financial terms, an offshore company is called a company that has its accounts in a...

Definition of Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is a very common expression in the business context that means the set of values, beliefs, rituals and norms adopted by a given organization. The concept of culture...

Meaning of Antonym

Antonym is a masculine noun or adjective that describes a word that has an opposite meaning to another word. For example: expensive is the antonym of cheap. The antonym is the opposite of...

Definition of Hip Hop

Hip Hop is a popular culture that emerged among African-American communities in suburban New York in the 1970s. Music is the main artistic expression of hip hop, which also has...

meaning of Islam

Islam or Islam is a monotheistic religion founded by the prophet Mohammed in the early 7th century. The foundations of Islam are represented in the Qur'an, a holy book that serves as a basis for faith...

Qualitative research

Qualitative research is a research approach that studies subjective aspects of social phenomena and human behavior. The objects of qualitative research are phenomena that occur in...

meaning of munchies

Munchies is a colloquial term for hunger. It is a Portuguese slang that has an uncertain origin and is more commonly used by young people and teenagers. Many people associate the term munchies with the use...

meaning of heretic

Heretic is the name given to the individual who professes a heresy, that is, who questions certain beliefs established by a certain religion. It is the person who is contrary to the dogmas of a certain...

Latest Meanings (181)

meaning of resentmentResentment is the feeling that is characterized by the existence of hurts, r...

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Popular Meanings (185)

Definition of AnthologyAnthology is the set formed by several works (literary, musical or cinemat...

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Popular Meanings (186)

meaning of simpleSingela is an adjective inflected for the female gender that qualifies something...

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