Latest Meanings (297)

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Definition of Oligophrenia

Oligophrenia is a disease that delays an individual's mental development. From the Greek “oligos”, which means little, plus “phren”, which means mind. Oligophrenic is an adjective...

Definition of Theme

Thematic is an adjective that refers to the subject that one wants to prove or develop in a literary work. Thematic means the same as subject, theme, topic, object, content, etc. Thematic is the set of...

Meaning of Poke on Facebook

Poking on Facebook is a function of the social network that allows a person to get the attention of their friends. The nudge on facebook is meant to say "Hey, I'm here!" or "Hi, how are you?" In many...

Definition of Sborne

Esbórnia is a party, celebration or meeting where there is a lot of noise, a lot of drinking and orgies. The term comes from the Italian "sbornia", which means drunkenness, drunkenness and revelry. These parties called...

meaning of fetish

Fetish is a masculine noun from the French term fetish and can mean a bewitched object or a behavior, body part or object that arouses sexual excitement...

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meaning of sequel

Sequel means sequel, continuation. From the Latin “sequel” which is the “act of following”. Sequela is a feminine noun that indicates the result, the consequence. In the medical field, the sequel is...

Definition of Productivity

Productivity is the result of what is productive, that is, what is produced, what is profitable. It is the relationship between the means, resources used and final production. It is the result of the ability to...

meaning of frenzy

Frenzy is a masculine noun, from the Latin frenzy which means a delusional enthusiasm. In French, frénésie is a feminine noun that means madness, unreasonable excitement. In English, frenzy,...

meaning of prologue

Prologue is a text or warning, usually brief, that precedes a written work and is intended to present it to the reader. From the Greek "prologs" meaning "preliminary writing". Prologue is...

meaning of bastion

Stronghold means fortress, a tall building, surrounded by walls. It is a term of origin in the French language. Stronghold also means something that serves as a defense, that sustains something. Stronghold is a...

Definition of Perennial

Perene is a two-gender adjective that means eternal, incessant, permanent, continuous. Originating from the Latin term perennis, which meant something that lasts all year, this word also...

meaning of Jacob

Jacob meaning supplanter in Hebrew, that is, one who holds by the heel, and in Greek, it means "one who wrestled with God". Jacob is a very important character in the Bible, because in several...

Definition of Essential

Essential is what is indispensable, what is necessary, it is something very important that cannot be missed. From the Latin essentiale, which refers to the essence, that is, the substance, the main idea, which constitutes the...

Meaning of Infer

Inferring means deducing, concluding. It is to reach a final conclusion, about some fact that occurred, through successive deductions. Inferring is a transitive verb that is conjugated in the same way as the verb...

Meaning of Commitment

Commitment is a masculine noun meaning the action of committing or committing to someone or something. The word commitment comes from the Latin term commitsus, which indicated...

Latest Meanings (8)

meaning of plagiarismPlagiarism happens when someone copies content produced by someone else with...

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Latest Meanings (4)

Scientific Article: what it is and definition of a scientific articleScientific article is an aca...

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Latest Meanings (10)

Meaning of InferenceInference is a deduction based on information or reasoning that uses availabl...

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