Latest Meanings (298)

Definition of Outlet

Outlet is the name for a retail sales market, in which producers and industries sell their products directly to the public, and generally at a lower price than what is offered in the Shops...

Definition of Opposition

Opposition means impediment, obstacle. It is the act of opposing or opposing something, that is, putting oneself contrary to a situation. It is to object to any fact. Being an opponent is...

Meaning of Amendment

Addition means the act of adding, adding or supplementing new data to what had already been agreed upon initially. It is synonymous with addition and adscription. The term is used in law to...

Definition of Prospecting

Prospecting is a word with origins in the Latin prospectione which means the action of prospecting or researching. It's a term from the realm of geology, which is used to describe the methods used to discover...

meaning of region

Region is a large expanse of land. It is a territory that, due to its climate, soil, vegetation, economic production and other characteristics of its own, differs from neighboring territories. Is...

Definition of SIC

Sic is a Latin adverb which in Portuguese means “this way”, “this way”, “this way” “exactly like this” and “this way”. The word “sic” is written in parentheses,...

meaning of poor

Poor guy is a masculine adjective that classifies a miserable, disgraced, unhappy individual. A person who is labeled a poor person is someone who has suffered or suffered something terrible in their life and for...

Definition of Sublime

Sublime is an adjective of two kinds, which qualifies what reaches a very high degree on the scale of moral, intellectual or aesthetic values, is almost perfect. From the Latin sublimis, “what if...

Definition of Obsolete

Obsolete means everything that is outdated, out of date, old-fashioned, archaic. Obsolete is also used in reference to things that over time are replaced, and this happens with...

Definition of Dispensation

Dispensation is the feminine noun meaning the act or effect of dispensing or being dispensed. It originates from the Latin term dispensare and can be synonymous with dismissal, because in the legal sphere it indicates...

meaning of apocryphal

Apocrypha means false, suspicious. Expression used when a fact or a work does not have its authenticity proven, that is, it has a suspicious or doubtful origin. Considering the legal norms, a...

Meaning of Reconcile

Reconcile is the verb that means to harmonize, tranquilize, adjust or adjust. The word conciliate also refers to the act of reaching an agreement with someone or creating an alliance for the purpose of...

Meaning of Fraternization

Fraternization is a feminine noun that means the act of fraternizing or fraternally living with other individuals. A get-together is a get-together or socialization, often...

Definition of Organic Matter

Organic matter is the compost formed by plant remains (leaves, branches, roots, bark, etc.) and animals (to a lesser extent) that make up the soil. Organic matter when decomposed by the action of...

meaning of facebook

Facebook is a social network launched in 2004. Facebook was founded by Harvard University students Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. This term is...

Art and Culture (8)

Definition of OmegaOmega is the name of the last letter of the Greek alphabet (the twenty-fourth)...

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Art and Culture (3)

Arcadian FeaturesArcadism was a literary style that emerged in Europe in the 18th century, during...

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Expressions in Latin (2)

Definition of et alEt al is the abbreviation of a Latin expression meaning "and others". The et a...

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