Skull is the name given to the set of bones in the skull and face and can symbolize many things, which vary according to the context. The skull is often related to death, and so it is a...
Bibliographic research consists of the initial stage of all scientific or academic work, with the aim of gathering information and data that will serve as a basis for the construction of the investigation...
Omnipotent means someone who is capable of doing everything, has no difficulty whatsoever, and who is Almighty. An omnipotent being is one that doesn't need anyone, that he is powerful in all...
Radioactivity (or radioactivity) is the property of certain types of radioactive chemical elements to emit radiation, a phenomenon that occurs naturally or artificially. Radioactivity...
Homoaffective is the adjective that qualifies a person who likes and feels attracted to people of the same sex. The term homoaffective was created to reduce the pejorative connotation that was given to relationships...
Ethnography is the descriptive study of the culture of peoples, their language, race, religion, habits, etc., as well as the material manifestations of their activities. It's the science of ethnicities. From the Greek ethos...
Moral suitability is the set of qualities that recommend the individual to public consideration, with attributes such as honor, respectability, seriousness, dignity and good manners. The suitability means the...
Coup d'etat is illegally overthrowing a constitutionally legitimate government. Coups d'etat can be violent or not, and can correspond to the interests of the majority or a minority, although this...
Blog (short for weblog ) is a kind of online diary that addresses a specific subject chosen by its author. The blog is presented in text, but it can contain images, photos, videos or others...
Foster means to stimulate, support, sustain or incite something. The term originates from the word “fomento” (from the Latin “fomentum”, meaning “to heat”), a remedy used to rub the skin. In that...
Aptitude is a feminine noun that names the ability of one who is fit, that is, one who has the ability to perform a task correctly. From the Latin “aptitudine” which means “capable...
A yoke is a piece made of wood that is used to join two oxen together, so that they walk at the same pace while pulling a plow or a cart. It is also called yoke or yoke of oxen. Yoke was a...
Polygamy is a system where a man has more than one wife at the same time, or even, being less common, where a woman has more than one husband simultaneously. Polygamy is a term of Greek origin, which...
Etéreo or Etérea is an adjective from the Portuguese language that means relative to the ether, which tends to be volatile or fluid. It also has a figurative meaning, referring to what is sublime, heavenly or...
Metaphor and metonymy are two figures of speech, more concretely, they are figures of words. A metaphor is a figure of speech that indicates two common semantic characteristics between two...