Context is the set of physical or situational elements that help the recipient of the message to understand it. These elements characterize the text, which is a communication of ideas expressed through...
Equanimous means impartiality, equality, constancy. Is it that which has or demonstrates tranquility, moderation, serenity, justice, or is it that always presents the same spirit, which is conscious...
Favela is a set of poorly built low-income housing without infrastructure (sewage, water supply, energy, health clinic, garbage collection,...
Early is an adverb of time and means that which occurs before or which has a short duration. Waking up early, for example, is getting out of bed in the early hours of the morning. As in the proverb "God helps...
Oligophrenia is a disease that delays an individual's mental development. From the Greek “oligos”, which means little, plus “phren”, which means mind. Oligophrenic is an adjective...
Null literally means “null” in English. This term is used mainly in computer language, in the areas of computer science, especially in programming, to represent something without...
Seminar is a textual genre whose information gathered is mainly presented through oral language. The display of information can be done by one or more people, such as a...
Conjecture is a feminine noun that means a judgment or opinion with uncertain foundation, or a deduction of an event that could happen in the future, based on a presumption. One...
Contextualization is the action of establishing a context for a certain thing, usually in order to explain the reasons or precedent characteristics of a situation, for example. THE...
Franchise is the feminine noun that means the act or effect of franchising, being synonymous with privilege or exemption. It is also related to the trading system known as franchising. One...
Federal Constitution is the set of fundamental laws that organize and govern the functioning of a country. It is considered the maximum and mandatory law among all citizens of a given nation, serving...
Wireless is an English term that means “wireless network”, in Portuguese translation. This term is used to designate a computer network without the need to use cables,...
Logomarca, or simply logo, is the graphic representation of the name of a company or brand, which determines its visual identity and aims to facilitate its recognition. A logo gives...
Rapture is the effect or action of rapturing, that is, removing something suddenly from a place. However, there are several different applications for this term. The most common refers to a concept...
Cc is an abbreviation for "Carbon copy" which in Portuguese means "carbon copy" or more usually "with copy". The term is used when sending an email when the user wants to make known the...