Latest Meanings (140)

Definition of Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological state presented by someone who has been the victim of a kidnapping and has created emotional bonds with their kidnapper. Although the relationship is forced, the hostage develops...

Definition of Syndrome

Syndrome (from the Greek "syndrome", meaning "meeting") is a term often used in Medicine and Psychology to characterize the set of signs and symptoms that define a given pathology...

Definition of the Electra Complex

Electra's complex is a phase in the psychosexual development of female children, according to psychoanalysis. It consists of the stage in which the daughter starts to feel attracted to her own father,...

meaning of idle

Idle means in a state of idleness, one who has no occupation, who does nothing with his life. Idle is the individual who is not doing anything at the moment, who is not working and does not do...

Definition of Physics

Physics is a term originating from the Greek “physis” which means “nature”. It is the science that studies the laws that govern natural phenomena that can be examined by observation...

Definition of Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar is an Arabic expression that means “Allah is Great” or “Allah is the Greatest” in Portuguese translation. Known in Arabic as Takbir or takbeer, the expression Allahu Akbar is a...

meaning of military coup

Military coup is a coup d'état led by members of the armed forces and the army to control the Executive Branch and, consequently, the Legislative and Judiciary. The military coup is a...

Meaning of state of siege

A state of siege is a state of exception, instituted as a provisional measure for the protection of the State, when it is under a certain threat, such as a war or a public calamity. It is...

Definition of Proactive

Proactive or proactive is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines someone who acts in advance, avoiding or solving future situations and problems. The act of a proactive person, called a...

meaning of ubuntu

Ubuntu is the name of an operating system built from the Linux kernel (Linux Kernel). It is an open source system based on free software standards. This term also refers to a...

Definition of Wholesale and Retail

Wholesale and retail are two distinct types of product sales, with their own characteristics and audiences. Wholesale supplies products in large quantities, usually for resale,...

Definition of molar mass

Molar mass (M) is the molecular mass (mass of atoms) measured in grams. This is a widely used concept in chemistry. Before calculating the molar mass of a given substance, it is necessary to know...

Definition of Epic

Epic or epic poem is a literary genre consisting of long lines that narrate stories of a people or a nation, involving adventures, wars, travels, heroic gestures, etc. Normally...

meaning of arcade

Arcadism was a literary movement that emerged in Europe in the 18th century. The movement was characterized by the appreciation of the bucolic life, lived in the countryside and with simplicity. Arcadianism too...

meaning of the flag of the United States

The Flag of the United States is the maximum symbol of representation of the American nation before the other countries of the world. The US flag (abbreviation for United States of America) was adopted...

Popular Meanings (293)

meaning of primePrimor is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language, referring to what has supe...

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Popular Meanings (294)

Definition of Net ModernityIt is the term coined by the Polish philosopher Zygmunt Bauman to defi...

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Popular Meanings (296)

Definition of HydrogenHydrogen is a chemical element symbolized by the letter H, and considered t...

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