Shalom Adonai is an expression from the Hebrew that means "the peace of the Lord". It is composed of two words "Shalom" which means "peace" and "Adonai" which means "my Lord". Shalom Adonai, which means...
Shalom is a word of Hebrew origin and literally means “peace” in Portuguese translation. This is a term widely used among Jews, mainly as a form of greeting or...
ICF stands for "International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health", and is the current model used by the World Health Organization (WHO) for health and disability. It forms the basis...
Presence is the condition of something or someone who is in a specific place. It can also refer to what exists in a certain environment, for example. There are many questions about the correct spelling...
Terabyte (read terabaite) is the name that characterizes the unit of measurement used for data storage in the area of computing, equivalent to 1,024 Gigabytes. It is represented by the acronym 1TB. He...
Yang is a Chinese word common to Eastern philosophies and religions. It is part of the yin yang, representing the light part of the symbol. Yang represents clarity and luminosity. Appears on the right side of the...
Pragmatism is a philosophical doctrine whose fundamental thesis is that the idea we have of an object anything is nothing but the sum of the ideas of all the imaginary effects attributed by us to that...
Methodical is an adjective that qualifies the behavior of those who act according to a method, that is, following a logical sequence and order to perform something, for example. The individual who has a character...
Prepotent is a two-gender adjective originating from the Latin praepotens which means a very powerful and influential person who abuses his power and authority. Arrogance is a characteristic of many...
Peculiar means characteristic, special, something that is proper to a person or thing. In some cases, the word peculiar can have a derogatory meaning, being used as a synonym for strange,...
Parliamentarianism is a type of political regime or government characterized by having a cabinet of ministers, which forms the parliament. All projects, laws and other government decisions are subject to...
Despotism is a form of government where all power is concentrated in just one ruler, in an isolated and arbitrary way. Despotism is practiced by a despot; an individual who uses his...
Harmony is the feminine noun with origin in the Greek language and which indicates an agreement or consonance in both the artistic and social context. Some synonyms for harmony can be balance, order,...
Sensei is a Japanese word used as an honorable title to treat a teacher or teacher with respect. The literal translation of this word is "one who was born before", since the kanji...
Skinhead is an English word that means "shaven head" in Portuguese. It is an expression that describes a social group that started in England. The word skinhead is formed by joining...