Latest Meanings (33)

meaning of religious intolerance

Religious intolerance is discrimination against people and groups who have different beliefs or religions, and is mainly marked by aggressive and offensive attitudes. Freedom of expression...

meaning of religious teaching

Religious education is a discipline of basic Brazilian education, where its main objective is to propose reflections on the foundations, customs and values ​​of the various religions existing in the...

meaning of religiosity

Religiosity means the quality of the individual who has a willingness or tendency to reflect on aspects of religious activity, whatever the religion. It addresses religious feelings and...

meaning of placid

Placidas is an adjective that denotes serenity, tranquility, peace. It is synonymous with calm, serene or tranquil. The term originates from the Latin “placidus” (placid) whose meaning is “pleasant”,...

Examples of adjectives

Adjective is the word that accompanies the noun, giving it characteristics, ways of being and state. When we say “This computer is agile”, we are qualifying the noun computer with the...

Definition of Pocahontas

Pocahontas is the nickname of an Indian woman who had her story turned into legend, told through generations and becoming famous in literature and cinema. Her birth name was Matoaka. Pocahontas,...

Complement meaning

Complement is a masculine noun that means finishing and refers to something that completes something else. When filling out entries, you must have already come across the optional add-on item in the...

Meaning of Postal Code

Postal code is a code formed by numbers and / or letters, used by postal administrations of countries in order to facilitate the identification of the various locations in the territory...

Meaning of CEP

CEP is the acronym for Postal Address Code, created and used by Correios to facilitate the forwarding and delivery of correspondence to recipients. The zip code is information...

What is Address Complement

The address complement is information we use to accurately indicate the location of a property. This information is usually requested in forms or registrations as complementary data from...

Definition of Serendipity

Serendipity is an English word that means a happy discovery by chance, or the luck of finding something precious where we weren't looking. The term serendipity was created in the 16th century by...

Definition of Insightful

Insightful is an adjective that characterizes a person who is able to easily understand something that others cannot, that is, who is smart, intelligent and shrewd. A perceptive person is one who acts with...

Definition of Neoconstitutionalism

Neoconstitutionalism, also called contemporary constitutionalism, is a doctrine of Right that places the Constitution at the center of the legal system and that interprets the right to from...

Definition of Federalism

Federalism is a form of State organization in which there is a government that exercises the functions of a centralizing State. But, while there is a central power, there is a division of power between the...

meaning of constitutional law

Constitutional law is a branch of public law devoted to the study of constitutional norms. Constitutional norms are the set of rules and principles that appear implicitly or...

Popular Meanings (196)

Meaning of Large and LargeLarge and large are two paronyms in Portuguese, that is, they have a si...

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Popular Meanings (198)

Definition of Dura lex sed lexDura lex sed lex is a Latin expression, which translated into Portu...

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Popular Meanings (197)

Definition of Clapboard in ChulipaRipa na chulipa is a popular expression used as a phrase of enc...

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