Latest Meanings (225)

meaning of DIY

DIY is the acronym for the English expression Do It Yourself, which means “Do It Yourself”, in Portuguese. DIY can be considered a “philosophy of life”, where your...

meaning of cash

À vista is an expression used in the Portuguese language to refer to everything that is in front of something or someone. Example: “Land on sight” or “She will pay in cash”...

Definition of Reprisal

Retaliation is an act of counterattack, usually carried out in response to some offense or injury, with the aim of obtaining compensation or revenge. Reprisal is one of the most...

Definition of interest on arrears

Arrears interest is a percentage rate on the late payment of a bond within a specified period of time. Default interest is the penalty imposed on the debtor for the delay in fulfilling his...

Definition of PVT

PVT is the acronym for the English word private, which means “private”, in Portuguese. Popularly, the PVT is used to refer to various aspects in which a given situation...

meaning of egregious

Egrégio is an adjective in the Portuguese language, relating to what is distinguished, important, remarkable and worthy of admiration. Classifying someone or something as egregious is a sign of great prestige, because...

Definition of Privilege

Privilege is a condition of advantage attributed to one person or group compared to others. The privilege guarantees reservations and immunities that set the individual apart from others, giving him rights...

meaning of secrecy

Secrecy is the condition of something that is kept hidden and secret, making few people aware of its existence. When a person asks for confidentiality on a certain matter, it is implied that the...

Definition of Reamer

Enlarger is an object used to enlarge some parts of the human body, especially ears and lips. Currently, different “urban tribes” adopt the reamers as an aesthetic adornment, which...

meaning of affection

Affection is a manifestation of solidarity, compassion, affection and attention that is exchanged between living beings, especially mammals. A gesture of affection is not restricted to physical contact,...

Definition of Affinity

Affinity means attunement, attraction, sympathy and similarity. It is a relationship that awakens tuning, equality, feelings of affection, affection and friendship between individuals. Usually, the...

meaning of headquarters

Thirst is the sensation caused by the dehydration of the body, making one want to drink liquids, especially water. All living things need water to live. When a given organism...

Meaning of Running a Baiana

Rotating the Bahian is a Brazilian slang that means making a mess or setting up a scandal in the sense of taking satisfaction with someone, clearing up a situation or “making a shack”. When...

Manifest meaning

Manifesto is a textual genre that consists of a kind of formal, persuasive and public statement for the transmission of opinions, decisions, intentions and ideas. Usually of a political nature, a...

Definition of Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction is the power that the State has to apply the right to a given case, with the objective of resolving conflicts of interest and thus safeguarding the legal order and the authority of the law. At the...

Expressions in English (12)

Definition of EasyEasy is an English word whose Portuguese translation is "easy". Most of the tim...

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Rosimar Gouveia (Mathematics and Physics Teacher)

She started her professional career at age 16 as an tutor, an activity that she performed until f...

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Expressions in English (14)

meaning of dustDuster is an English language noun derived from the word “dust” meaning dust or du...

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