Popular Meanings (229)

Definition of Brain

Acephalus is a term attributed to a being who suffers from acephaly, that is, who does not have a head or the part that corresponds to it. Usually, it is a term attributed to the individual who has a bad...

meaning of nonsense

Nonsense is the noun in English that means nonsense, absurd or nonsense and indicates manifestations contrary to logic. This word is formed by non (means no, it is an element of...

Definition of Sharia

Sharia is a set of Islamic laws that are based on the Qur'an, and responsible for dictating the rules of behavior for Muslims. In Arabic, sharia can be literally translated as “the way...

Definition of Modus operandi

Modus operandi is a Latin expression that means “mode of operation”, in the literal translation for the Portuguese language. This expression determines the way that a person uses to...

Definition of Streamer

Pennant is a feminine noun meaning small flame or pennant, a small triangle-shaped flag. Within the Navy, a pennant is a long, narrow flag that can be...

meaning of decent

Decent is a masculine and feminine adjective that describes someone or something that conforms to the rules of decency; it means convenient, proper, proper, neat, clean. A decent person demonstrates...

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox is the astronomical phenomenon that marks the transition between late summer and early autumn. The Autumn Equinox (aka "The Libra Point") is always in opposition to the...

Definition of Indignation

Indignation is a feminine noun in Portuguese related to the action or effect of becoming indignant, that is, feeling anger, contempt and frustration for something considered offensive, unfair or incorrect. O...

meaning of ohms

Ohms, represented by the Greek letter omega, and is an electrical resistance, a unit of measurement recognized by the SI (International System of Units). Ohms are the relationship between the voltage of one volt and...

Definition of Asthenia

Asthenia is the condition of loss or loss of physical strength. This medical term is understood to be synonymous with body fatigue, which can be of organic or psychic origin. Muscular asthenia...

Definition of Gymkhana

Gymkhana is a set of tasks disputed between different groups, with the same final objective. The scavenger hunts can be performed by different types of competitions where the competitors face several...

Definition of Erosion

Erosion is the act of corroding, destroying, consuming, spending slowly and continuously. For example: dental erosion. Erosion is a wear process that acts by transforming and shaping the crust...

Meaning of Concise

Concise is an adjective that qualifies something that is reduced to the essential, which is succinct and precise, that is, it manages to transmit its content simply and quickly. When you say that something or someone is...

Definition of Third Party Embargoes

Third party embargoes are a type of lawsuit that seeks to protect the possession or ownership of an asset. seized by court decision rendered in a proceeding which the owner or owner did not part...

Definition of scavenging coconut

Catar coquinho is an idiomatic expression of the Portuguese language normally included in the order "Vá catar coquinho!" and which means "go find something else to do" or "leave me alone!". Is...

Popular Meanings (195)

Definition of PrivilegePrivilege is a condition of advantage attributed to one person or group co...

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Popular Meanings (196)

Meaning of Large and LargeLarge and large are two paronyms in Portuguese, that is, they have a si...

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Popular Meanings (198)

Definition of Dura lex sed lexDura lex sed lex is a Latin expression, which translated into Portu...

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