A question is a question about which an answer or clarification is expected. It is an inquiry that asks for an opinion or a judgment. Question is a question usually presented in writing, prepared to...
Gentrification is a process of transformation of urban centers through the change of social groups that exist there, where the low-income community leaves and residents from the wealthier strata enter. O...
Social imprint is an expression used to designate an activity of a humanitarian nature, usually through charitable actions. A social project or program is an enterprise that...
Check means danger, setback, indicating a risky and complicated situation. Check is an incident in the game of chess, which consists of the king staying in a square attacked by an opponent's piece. The popular...
An infectious agent is an infection-causing organism. It is also called a pathogen (from the Greek pathos, “disease” and genos, origin”). The infectious agent is present in our environments,...
Fiat Lux means "Let there be light", or "Let there be light". It is a biblical term, used by God during the creation of the universe, when he created light, out of nothing. It's a very well-known metaphor, and it represents the...
Camafeu is a semi-precious stone in gray tone, with two layers of different colors, one of which presents an embossed figure, used as a pendant. The cameo stone appeared at the time of Ancient Egypt, in...
The human sciences are a set of knowledge that aims to study man as a social being. Also called the humanities, they carefully gather organized knowledge about the...
Colluio is a masculine noun in Portuguese, referring to an agreement that is established between two or more individuals with the intention of harming another person. It is considered a conspiracy...
Microbiology is the area of Biology dedicated to the study of microorganisms. It analyzes their functions, characteristics, metabolizations, distributions and their effects. She can also be...
Branding consists of the set of activities that are exclusively aimed at managing a brand, acting from its conception and continuously throughout its development. The construction of branding...
Greek mythology is the set of stories, legends and myths that belonged to the imagination of the civilization of Ancient Greece, featuring countless gods, legendary heroes and fantastical creatures, Besides...
Disgust means disgust, nausea, repulsion. It is an expression used to refer to that which causes disgust, aversion. It is a word that characterizes something that causes nausea, nausea (at...
Groove is an English word meaning groove or groove. It's often used in the context of music, indicating when sounds fit or match satisfactorily. In the specific case of the battery, the...
Quo vadis is a Latin expression meaning “Where are you going? ” in Latin. The expression appears in the Bible at John 16:5, where Jesus Christ says, "Now that I go to him who sent me, none of...