Meaning of Mediator (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Mediator is the position that a certain individual performs as intermediary between two distinct parts, who normally oppose.

The mediator has the role of intervene in communication between conflicting parties, with the purpose of reach an agreement or conciliation.

In order for the mediator's role to be fair, the mediator must be completely impartial during the mediation process between the parties.

One of the main characteristics of the mediator is peace, seeking to focus the meetings and conversations between the conflicting parties with organization and clarity.

Currently, there are professionals destined exclusively to act as mediators, in various fields of work.

In schools, for example, there is the position of school mediator or mediator teacher, which consists of a didactic behavior aimed at decentralizing the “teacher-student” pattern, but rather a more fluid model of communication between teachers and students.

In the religious sphere, the mediators are considered the individuals responsible for representing the communication between human beings (mortals) and God (the divine).

Each religious doctrine has its religious representative who is configured as a mediator.

In the Catholic religion, for example, Jesus Christ was immortalized as the ultimate mediator between men and God. For Muslims, the prophet Mohammed can be considered the great mediator between human beings and God (Allah).

See also the meaning of intervention.

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