Meaning of Mahalo (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

mahalo it is a Hawaiian language term and means "thank you", in the Portuguese translation.

The word mahalo, as well as the greeting aloha, is considered sacred and of utmost importance to the Hawaiian people.

In Hawaiian culture, some words are endowed with manna, which would be a definition attributed to the spiritual and divine power that each person possesses.

Learn more about the meaning of aloha.

mahalo it represents the heartfelt gratitude one person feels for another and, for the Hawaiian people, must be used wisely and honestly.

Etymologically, the term "mahalo” has a more extensive and deeper meaning than a simple “thank you”.

The prefix “bad” means “inside”, “there is” means “breath”, and “Hello” can be translated to “presence”, “front” or “face”.

Thus, mahalo it would mean “that you are within the divine breath”, that is, a kind of prayer or divine blessing that one individual wishes for another.

Mahalo in Brazil is still known as a clothing brand that emerged in 1982 in California, United States.

Based in Salvador, Bahia, Mahalo is a Bahian brand specialized in surfwear (surf clothes) and beachwear (Beach clothes).

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