Starvation is a state of extreme debility caused by lack of food, which causes the body to consume your own tissues to get the calories needed to stay alive, degrading...
Organic matter is the compost formed by plant remains (leaves, branches, roots, bark, etc.) and animals (to a lesser extent) that make up the soil. Organic matter when decomposed by the action of...
Childcare is the medical specialty, belonging to pediatrics, which deals with the well-being and health of children at birth and in the first days of life. Childcare (from the Latin puer, puerile, whatever...
The concept of workflow is a sequence of steps necessary to automate processes, according to with a set of defined rules, allowing these to be transmitted from a person for...
Barter is the term used to designate the practice of exchanging services or goods, a method of payment characterized by barter and replacing the use of money. Also known as barter or...
Insurgent is a term used to describe someone who rebels against something, considered a rebel. An insurgent individual or group is one who has an opinion or ideology contrary to that of a...
Malice is a feminine noun with origins in the Latin malitia and meaning a propensity or tendency to perform acts of evil. Acting with malice often means behaving with intent, with...
SQL stands for "Structured Query Language" which means, in Portuguese, Query Language Structured, a standard data management language that interacts with major databases in...
Karate is a Japanese word meaning “empty hands”. It consists of a Japanese martial art and a method of attack and self-defense that includes several techniques performed with the bare hands...
Gulf is a term used in geography to define the part of the sea that penetrates the land, whose opening is extremely wide. The gulfs are formed by several different occasions, like from a...
Public Law is the set of rules that discipline the interests of the State, either internally or in relation to private interests. It is the legal system of public nature and character...
Superego is the moral aspect of an individual's personality, according to Sigmund Freud's Theory of Psychoanalysis. The superego is responsible for “taming” the Id, that is, repressing the primitive instincts...
Hyposufficiency is an adjective that means absence or lack. This term is often used to mean financial need, that is, when there are not enough resources for oneself...
Fozé the name given to the place where a watercourse ends; where a river flows. The mouth of a river, that is, the place where the river empties, can be in another river, in a lake, in a lake, in the sea or in the...
Cafuzo is the name given in Brazil to individuals generated from the miscegenation between Indians and African blacks. Typically, cafuzos are characterized by dark skin pigmentation,...