Latest Meanings (57)

Definition of Heterotrophs

Heterotrophs are living beings that are not able to produce their own food and therefore need to ingest or absorb preformed organic molecules from other living beings, to obtaining...

Definition of Prokaryote

Prokaryote is a simple unicellular organism that does not have membranous compartmentalization of its intracellular products, that is, it does not have compartments inside the cell (metabolites...

Definition of Exoskeleton

Exoskeleton is the name given to the skeletal structure located outside the body of the living being. Exoskeletons are common in invertebrate animals, that is, they do not have an internal bone structure,...

Animal Kingdom

The animal kingdom, also known as the Animalia or Metazoa kingdom, is the great set of living beings formed by heterotrophs by ingestion, that is, beings that do not produce their own food and need...

Definition of Interlocutor

Interlocutor is someone who participates in a dialogue, interacting directly with other people through different types of communication. In short, the interlocutor is any individual who talks to another or who...

Context meaning

Context is the set of physical or situational elements that help the recipient of the message to understand it. These elements characterize the text, which is a communication of ideas expressed through...

Meaning of Metaphor

Metaphor is a figure of speech in which the name of one thing is transferred to another with which it is possible to establish a relation of comparison. For the comparison to take place, there must be...

animal cell

The animal cell is called a eukaryotic cell because it has a nucleus attached to its membrane. The animal cell differs from prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, because its DNA...

Indigenous Culture

Indigenous culture is the set of values, knowledge, beliefs and customs of the native peoples of Brazil. It is important to highlight that there is not a single indigenous culture, but an enormous cultural diversity...

examples of short stories

The short story is a literary style that uses narrative as the predominant textual typology. It is characterized by short stories, with few characters, a conflict and a climax. Unlike a novel,...

General Properties of Matter

The general properties of matter are those common to any matter, that is, regardless of its physical state (solid, liquid or gas), its shape, or any other aspect. The matter is...

Definition of Tenacity

Tenacity is a feminine noun derived from the Latin term tenax, which means the quality of the which is tenacious, that is, which has great cohesion, which is firm, viscous, very adherent, constant and dogged...

Definition of Ductility

Ductility is the quality or property of what is ductile, that is, what is flexible, elastic, malleable, which can be compressed or reduced to threads without breaking. That you can stretch without breaking...

Definition of Molecule

A molecule is a group of atoms, the same or different, which are held together and cannot be separated without affecting or destroying the properties of substances. There is an old concept that the...

Definition of Chemistry

Chemistry is the science dedicated to the study of matter, taking into account its composition, reactions and transformations. The main areas in which Chemistry is divided are: Biochemistry (Chemistry...

Latest Meanings (13)

What does the at sign (@) signify?The at sign is a graphic symbol represented by the @ sign, and ...

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Human behavior (3)

3 Moving Stories about Human ResilienceWhat do you do when you are faced with a big problem? Run,...

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Human behavior (6)

Definition of LoyaltyFidelity is a term originating from the Latin fidelis, which means an attitu...

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