Popular Meanings (59)

Definition of Epistemological

Epistemologico is an adjective from the Portuguese language, used to classify something that is related to epistemology. Epistemological comes from epistemology, which in a broad sense is synonymous with the theory of...

meaning of i love you

I love you is an expression used by those who want to show their love, affection and affection for someone with special meaning. Therefore, it is often said between friends or family and not just...

meaning of utopian

Utopian is a term related to utopia, that is, when a certain idea or thought is idealistic; fanciful; almost impossible to accomplish. Utopian can also be an idea of ​​ideal civilization,...

Meaning of Deny Provision

Dismissing means preventing something or someone from continuing, and is a term commonly used in the field of law. In the legal sphere, when one speaks of “dismissing the appeal” it means that the...

Definition of Idiosyncratic

Idiosyncratic is an expression used to refer, many times, to unusual or even inappropriate situations. The word idiosyncratic is not found in the Portuguese language dictionary,...

meaning of à la carte

À la carte is a typical French expression meaning "as it's on the menu" or "as listed on the menu ", widely used in the field of gastronomy, especially among restaurants...

Definition of Monogamy

Monogamy is the condition of one who is monogamous, that is, who has only one partner. It is a form of marriage that takes place between a man and a woman. Monogamy occurs when an individual has only one...

Definition of Eviction from Law

Eviction consists of the total or partial loss of ownership or ownership of a property that a person has acquired in favor of a third party, through a court order filed by other parties. A good example of...

meaning of passion

Passion is an intense and deep human feeling, marked by the great interest and attraction of the person in love with something or someone. Passion is capable of altering aspects of the behavior and thinking of...

Meaning of Benevolence

Benevolence is a feminine noun with origins in the Latin benevolentia, which expresses the quality of someone who is benevolent, that is, demonstrates affection and esteem towards someone. Benevolence...


Urbanization is the process of moving away from the rural characteristics of a place or region to urban characteristics. It is generally associated with the development of civilization and technology...

meaning of charisma

Charisma is an innate ability of some human beings to be able to enchant, persuade, fascinate or seduce another individual, through their way of being and acting. Etymologically, the term “charisma” if...

Meaning of Jus

Jus means merit, and comes from the Latin jus, which means right. The term is usually used accompanied by “doing”, which means that the person must be entitled to something or something. To live up to something...

Definition of Dynamics

Dynamics is a term related to movement and forces. It can be a concept from the area of ​​physics, music or psychology, in the case of group dynamics. In the field of physics, dynamics is the science that...

meaning of sophism

Sophism or sophism means thought or rhetoric that seeks to mislead, presented with apparent logic and meaning, but with contradictory foundations and with the intention of deceiving. Currently, a...

Latest Meanings (191)

Meaning of Structural MasonryStructural masonry is a construction model that guarantees the isola...

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Latest Meanings (194)

Definition of EffectiveEffective is an adjective that qualifies something or someone as capable, ...

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Popular Meanings (195)

Definition of PrivilegePrivilege is a condition of advantage attributed to one person or group co...

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