Popular Meanings (58)

meaning of NGO

NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. These are all non-profit organizations created by people who work voluntarily in defense of a cause, be it protection of the environment...

Definition of Conception

Conception is the feminine noun meaning the act or effect of conceiving or generating a being in the womb. It can also be synonymous with understanding, perception or concept. Most of the time, the...

Definition of Bucolic

Bucolic means country, rural, gracious. It refers to nature and the beautiful countryside. It also means naive, simple or pure. The term bucolic has an etymological origin in the Greek " boukolikos...

Definition of Limbo

Limbo is a masculine noun originating from the Latin limbus and meaning margin, border, edge, edge. In the scope of astronomy, limbo is the outer part of a celestial body, whose margin is visible, like...

Meaning of White Color

The white color means peace, purity and cleanliness. It is also called the "color of light" because it reflects all the colors in the spectrum. The white color reflects all light rays providing total clarity. O...

meaning of community

Community is a feminine noun used in different senses. It is a local group, of variable size, made up of people who occupy a geographically defined territory and are united by a...

Meaning of Concession

Concession is a feminine noun from the Latin "concessio" which means permission and expresses the act or effect of granting, granting or delivering something to someone. It may also be related...

meaning of common sense

Common sense is a quality that brings together the notions of reason and wisdom, characterizing the actions that are taken in accordance with the rules and customs suitable for a given context. When you say that...

meaning of awareness

Conscience is the term meaning knowledge, awareness, honesty. It can also reveal the notion of stimuli around an individual that confirm their existence. For this reason it is customary...

Definition of Detriment

Detriment is the masculine noun that means harm, loss, loss. It is also synonymous with damage, breakage and disadvantage. It is often used in the prepositional phrase "in detriment of". According to the...

Definition of Chemistry

Chemistry is the science dedicated to the study of matter, taking into account its composition, reactions and transformations. The main areas in which Chemistry is divided are: Biochemistry (Chemistry...

Meaning of Dignity

Dignity is the quality of someone who is worthy, that is, someone who is honorable, exemplary, who behaves with decency, with honesty. It is a feminine noun, which comes from the Latin dignitate, which means honesty,...

Definition of Alpha Male

Alpha male or alpha male is an expression of the branch of zoology, used to describe an element of a group of animals that has dominant characteristics, being the leader of that group. The expression can...

Definition of Indulgence

Forgiveness is the characteristic of someone who is indulgent, that is, who finds it easy to forgive mistakes made by other individuals. Indulgence is related to mercy, tolerance and forgiveness,...

Definition of FGTS

FGTS is the acronym for the Severance Indemnity Fund. It is a monthly deposit, referring to a percentage of 8% of the employee's salary, which the employer is required to deposit in a bank account at...

Latest Meanings (2)

Ozone layerOzone layer or ozonesphere is a layer formed by the ozone gas (O3) around planet Earth...

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Latest Meanings (3)

6 Characteristics of the narrative textThe narrative text is the textual type that tells a sequen...

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Portuguese language (9)

Definition of AppellantRecurrent is an adjective that qualifies what happens again after having a...

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