Philosophy and Sociology (7)

meaning of stoicism

Stoicism is a philosophical school and doctrine that emerged in Ancient Greece, which values ​​fidelity to the knowledge and focus on everything that can only be controlled by the person, despising...

meaning of sophism

Sophism or sophism means thought or rhetoric that seeks to mislead, presented with apparent logic and meaning, but with contradictory foundations and with the intention of deceiving. Currently, a...

Definition of Asceticism

Asceticism is a philosophical doctrine that advocates abstaining from physical and psychological pleasures, believing it to be the way to achieve perfection and moral and spiritual balance. For the ascetics –...

Meaning of Marxist Socialism

Marxist socialism, also known as scientific socialism or simply Marxism, is a ideological current developed by the philosopher Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), with the...

Definition of Positivism

Positivism is a current of philosophical, sociological and political thought that emerged in the mid-19th century in France. The main idea of ​​positivism was that scientific knowledge should be...

Definition of Cartesian

Cartesian is an adjective referring to Descartes, French philosopher, physic and mathematician, “considered the father of modern philosophy”, whose Latin name was Cartesius, which gave his name to Cartesian thought. O...

meaning of Marxism

Marxism is an ideological system that radically criticizes capitalism and proclaims the emancipation of humanity in a classless and egalitarian society. The basic lines of Marxism were drawn between...

meaning of atheist state

Atheist state is a concept of a nation where the government (the state) does not believe in the existence of God and any other deity or spiritual entity. There are many controversies involving the correct definition...

meaning of theology

Theology is the study of the existence of God, of questions concerning the knowledge of divinity, as well as of his relationship with the world and with men. From the Greek “theos” (god, a term used in the world...

meaning of wisdom

Wisdom is the feminine noun that is characteristic of a wise person and that means an extensive and deep knowledge of various things or a particular topic. Wisdom is often...

Meaning of Added Value

Surplus value is an expression from the scope of Economics, created by Karl Marx which means part of the value of the workforce spent by a given worker in production and who is unpaid fur...

meaning of solidarity

Solidarity is the feminine noun that indicates the quality of solidarity and a feeling of identification with the suffering of others. The word solidarity comes from the French solidarité...

meaning of materialism

Materialism is the attitude of people who understand that everything is matter and who have a life focused solely on material goods. The adherents of materialism are called materialists. Materialism in...

Meaning of Acculturation

Acculturation is the set of changes resulting from the contact, of two or more groups of individuals, representing different cultures, when put in direct and continuous contact. Acculturation is the...

Definition of Scientific Socialism

Scientific Socialism was a social project that sought ways to overcome the social difficulties that were worsening in Europe, resulting from the Industrial Revolution. Scientific Socialism, created by Karl...

Latest Meanings (171)

meaning of populismPopulism is the concept that characterizes the way a ruler governs, using stra...

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Latest Meanings (172)

Definition of ShearShearing is the act of shearing, it means cutting or deforming a surface to fr...

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Latest Meanings (173)

Definition of Liquid EffluentsLiquid effluents are polluting substances released into nature with...

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