Territory can be a delimited area under ownership, whether that of an animal, a person or a group, an organization or an institution. The term can also be used in politics, in biology...
Mercy is a feeling of compassion, aroused by the misfortune or misery of others. The expression mercy has a Latin origin, it is formed by the junction of miserere (have compassion), and cordis...
Tin Wedding is the celebration of the tenth year of marriage. Also known as the Zinc Wedding, this commemoration marks the decade-long union of a couple after their marriage became official. Per...
The proletariat is the lowest social class that was formed within industrialized societies, the one that could offer less resistance to the pressure exerted by other social layers. Proletariat is...
Asepsis is the set of procedures that aim to prevent the introduction of pathogenic germs in a specific organism, environment and objects. It is the care with the cleanliness and hygiene of everything around us. THE...
The meaning of taboo generally refers to a prohibition on engaging in any social activity that is morally, religiously, or culturally objectionable. Saying something is taboo can mean it is...
The Bible is a collection or compilation of sacred books, containing the stories, doctrines, codes and traditions that guide Christians, based on Jewish tradition (Old Testament) and on...
A priori is an expression used to refer to a principle prior to experience. A priori it is an adverbial phrase of the Latin language, which is not found in the language dictionary...
Pathology is the study of structural, biochemical and functional changes in cells, tissues and organs, which aims to explain the mechanisms by which the signs and symptoms of diseases arise. The word...
Ethics in philosophy is the study of moral issues, the way of being and acting of human beings, in addition to their behavior and character. Ethics in philosophy seeks to discover what motivates each individual to...
Black is the darkest color in the entire color spectrum and symbolizes respect, death, isolation, fear, loneliness. The black color can be obtained by mixing the three primary colors: red...
Ignorante is an adjective and noun of 2 genders in the Portuguese language, originating from the Latin term ignorant. Ignorant is a word that characterizes a person who is ignorant, uneducated, who...
Austerity means something that is austere, severe, gross. Austerity is a severity of customs, of life, it can also be a kind of penance, rigor and discipline. In terms of economics,...
Section is a homonymous word that must be used in the sense of court, division, division or department. Session, in turn, means a meeting or time interval that lasts an activity...
Romanticism was an artistic, intellectual and philosophical movement that emerged in Europe at the end of the 18th century. In most places it reached its peak in the mid-19th century. Romanticism emerged...