Portuguese language (36)

meaning of coarse

Crude means rude, clumsy or something in its raw state. It's a term that applies to both people and things. When used to qualify people, it can acquire the meaning of coarse, rough...

Definition of Neologism

Neologism is the process of creating a new word in the language due to the need to designate new objects or new concepts related to different areas: technology, art, economy, sports, etc. One...

Definition of Scoundrel

Scoundrel means dishonest or crook. The term is popularly used to designate a person with deceptive behavior, given to performing actions that undermine their own honesty. O...

Definition of Ululating

Ululante is an adjective that qualifies something or someone who howls, that is, who howls, screams, screams and emits whining sounds. Ulular comes from the Latin ululare, which means howl, the sound emitted by dogs and others...

meaning of piegas

Piegas means an excessive appeal to commotion. Sometimes it is used in a derogatory way to designate someone who attaches great importance to insignificant things. The term mushy is usually applied to...

Definition of Mequetrefe

The word mequetrefe is used to insult a person and its meaning is used in three different ways: nosy, cheating or unimportant. Their synonyms are the words:...

Definition of Lazio Flower

Flor do Lácio is an expression used to designate the Portuguese language. In the sonnet “Língua Portuguesa”, the Brazilian poet Olavo Bilac (1865-1918) writes in the first verse “Lazio's Last Flower,...

Definition of Hostile

Hostile is an adjective of two genders that qualifies the attitude of a person who is opposed, who opposes and who usually disapproves. A hostile person usually collects enmities because he acts rudely,...

Meaning of Grant

Granting is the act of consenting, giving, assigning, transmitting, granting, authorizing another person to perform acts on her behalf. Granting is a term widely used in forensic circles because, for a lawyer, by...

meaning of honesty

Honesty is the word that indicates the quality of being truthful: don't lie, don't cheat, don't cheat. As for etymology, the word honesty comes from the Latin honos, which refers to dignity and...

Definition of Innate and Innate

Nato means "born" or "born", while innate has two meanings: "not born" or "born with", depending on the context in which it is used. Both words are adjectives in the Portuguese language...

meaning of this and this

This is used to return to a term, an idea or a sentence already mentioned, it gives us an idea of ​​proximity to the listener. This one introduces a new idea, not yet mentioned, and can also indicate...

Meaning of Ratify and Rectify

Ratify and rectify are paronyms (they have almost identical spelling and pronunciation, but different meanings). For this reason, they are often confused by many people. Meaning of...

Review meaning

Review is an approach to building relationships between the properties of a given object, analyzing it, describing it and listing aspects considered relevant about it. Review is also...

Meaning of Alienation

Alienation has different meanings, it can be an assignment of assets, transfer of domain of something or a mental disturbance. Alienation is the impairment of individuals' ability to think or...

Popular Meanings (3)

Meaning of GlobalizationGlobalization is the process of bringing together different societies and...

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Popular Meanings (5)

Definition of Eye of HorusEye of Horus, also known as udyat, is a symbol that means power and pro...

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Philosophy and Sociology (7)

meaning of stoicismStoicism is a philosophical school and doctrine that emerged in Ancient Greece...

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