Individual Student Report in Elementary School

O individual student report, has the function of communicating parents about their children's development. This is at the end of the school year or any other period determined by the educational institution itself.

This report must include the points in which the student advanced or had difficulties during the stage. These observations must be made in accordance with the profile of each student, and with great care for aspects that have ambiguities.

O Elementary School, is one of the basic education levels and serves children from 6 years of age. During this period, new areas of knowledge are applied. Therefore, it is essential that parents are aware of their child's development.

So, check out some models of individual student report in elementary school.

Individual student report in elementary school


  • Model 1
  • Model 2
  • Model 3
  • Model 4
  • Model 5
  • Model 6

Model 1

In this step, (name of the student) managed to develop very well in all proposals. His progress was visible, especially in writing and reading.

(name of the student) he is also always attentive to spelling correction and demonstrates great affinity for reading. Can interpret texts well and identify genres. Your reading fluency is impressive.

He has a lot of ease with numbers. Recognizes numbers from 1 to 1000 and operates addition and subtraction counts.

His class attendance is excellent and all activities are delivered within the established deadlines.

With that, we congratulate (name of the student) and the participation of family members in this process.

Model 2

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(name of the student) is a very sweet, charismatic and intelligent person. He has a great relationship with the class. But this semester, we had the need to talk many times about behavior and limits.

When they pay attention to you or are concerned about your problems, (name of the student) it usually calms down and becomes more focused.

Therefore, greater participation of parents in their school activities will provide better development within the classroom.

(name of the student) it is very easy to solve addition, subtraction and multiplication content. Can reason very well when solving mathematical problems.

In the oral-written part, he expresses himself very well. In addition to knowing how to define your point of view concisely. In writing, your spelling needs to be worked on. One suggestion is to buy a calligraphy notebook to practice at home.

(name ofstudent) he has a good knowledge, but needs to work with more texts, as he cannot detail the events well.

Some aspects need to be worked on in (name of the student). But, in general, he is a child with a lot of potential and we are sure that he will be able to improve in the aforementioned points.

Model 3

(name of the student) has a lot of difficulty communicating with other classmates. At the beginning of the school year, I had a lot of difficulty in some areas and a low performance.

In the activities proposed in the classroom, he did not show participation or any encouragement to resolve the issues. Home activities were also not delivered within the established deadline.

Some alternatives were tested by teachers, such as more playful activities, meeting with parents, tutoring and even home visits. all for what (name of the student) felt more inserted in the institution.

There was little change, but we can consider it a big step. Today, he is able to develop words better and is even more familiar with numbers. However, not enough to act autonomously.

One suggestion is the search for professional support and greater participation of the family with the school. With this, it is possible to obtain improvements and still advance in learning.

Model 4

(name of the student) is smart and communicative. His relationship with colleagues is great and he is always willing to help. Decreased side conversations during explanations, but we must continue to encourage their participation in classes.

In mathematical questions, he interprets the little problems well and manages to associate the numbers. But, due to lack of attention, he ends up missing some questions. Even knowing the content.

It is very easy to write, but by agglomerating many words, it ends up having the understanding of the text impaired. Already in orality, manages to organize your thoughts well.

Its growth is visible and the participation of family members has contributed a lot to this advance. Therefore, we believe that you will overcome these small impediments.

Model 5

(student's name) it has excellent potential. His relationship with his classmates is very peaceful and, whenever necessary, he helps them with their activities.

She is always willing to learn more and does all the activities with great zeal and whimsy. Besides, it can solve addition, subtraction and multiplication very well.

Mathematical problems are always very well interpreted. Your logical reasoning is considered excellent for solving activities.

As a very concise person, he always manages to explain his thoughts. The writing is very good and still managed to improve a lot.

In the classroom, he is always paying attention and participating in the activities proposed by the teachers. He loves to help his colleagues when solving the exercises.

In general, (student's name) had a great development, a good frequency and an excellent participation of the parents.

Model 6

(name of the student) is very smart. It learns very easily and still easily complies with the orders and rules established by the teachers. He knows how to work very well in a team.

Despite his discipline, he needs to improve his concentration, as he has difficulty solving some activities safely and independently. In addition, he also needs to improve his reading, as he still has difficulty in assimilating some sentences.

One suggestion is to exercise constant reading at home. This will bring more security and help you to learn and organize ideas better.

Another point observed is in relation to the materials needed in the classroom. Some are constantly forgotten and this hinders their participation in activities.

See too: Individual student report in early childhood education

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